首页> 中文期刊> 《西北农业学报》 >微咸水膜下滴灌对绿洲棉田土壤水盐特征的影响




为指导新疆绿洲微咸水膜下滴灌棉田管理,2010年在新疆农一师灌溉试验站进行微咸水膜滴灌方式下土壤水盐状况的研究.结果表明,随灌溉水盐度的增加,带入作物根区的盐分明显增加,当根区土壤盐分积累到一定程度,影响作物根系对水分的吸收和作物的正常生长,造成作物蒸腾减少,相对提高了土壤水分含量.轻度盐分胁迫处理可保护表土,使土壤保持疏松状态,提高土壤的肥效,有利于作物的生长.重度盐分与水分胁迫对土壤体积质量影响较弱,但对根系的生长发育影响较重.%The purpose of this study is to develop controllable cotton irrigation techniques and system, which is useful for the management of brackish water drip irrigation of cotton in Xinjiang oasis. The effects of brackish water drip irrigation on soil moisture and soil salinity were studied in the irrigation experiment station of construction corps, Xinjiang in 2010. The results show that; with the increasing salinity of irrigation water, the crop root zone salinity increased significantly. When the root zone soil salinity accumulated to a certain extent, it affected the water uptake and crop growth, transpiration, but relative increased soil water content. Mild salt stress treatment can protect the topsoil, loose the soil and improve the soil's fertilizer, is conducive to crop growth. Severe salt and water stress slightly affected the soil bulk density, but seriously affected root growth.



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