首页> 中文期刊> 《西北农业学报》 >“一膜两年用”不同播种密度对马铃薯生长及产量的影响




In order to improve full plastic-film mulching on double ridges and seed sowing in catchment furrows technique (FPMT) with one film mulching for two years,field experiments were conducted with randomized block design to explore the effect of different planting densities on potato growth and yield in Dingxi,Gansu province in 2014.The results showed that at 45 000 plants/hm2,potato planted on previously used film by FPMT had shorten growth period,lower the plant height,and reduce commodity rate and the total yield.At 30 000 plants/hm2,potato had better agronomic traits and commodity rate,but the yield reduced.Meanwhile,high yield could be obtained with the planting density of 37 500 plants/hm2 in the area where the rainfall was below 350 mm,and with the density of 45 000 plants/hm2 in the area where the rainfall was above 350 mm.%为完善全膜双垄沟播“一膜两年用”技术,2014年在定西市安定区采用随机区组设计开展大田试验,研究全膜双垄沟“一膜两年用”对不同播种密度的马铃薯植株生长及产量的影响.结果表明,在土壤肥力相当,降雨量差异较大且上一年为全膜双垄沟播玉米的区域,密度高于45 000株/hm2,马铃薯的生育期缩短,株高降低,商品率和产量下降,密度低于30 000株/hm2,马铃薯的农艺性状和商品率较佳,但产量较低.同时,在降雨量低于350 mm、种植密度约37 500株/hm2的区域,或降雨量高于350 mm、种植密度约45 000株/hm2的区域均可获得高产.



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