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The intellectual roots of Japanese capitalism: Economic thought and policy, 1835--1885.


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When the Tokugawa shogun subdued his rivals and established peace in 1600, the military rivalry between warring feudal domains moved into the economic sphere. By the mid-eighteenth century, many domains fell into debt keeping their lords in appropriate luxury. Despite Tokugawa Confucian disparagement of commerce, samurai bureaucrats in several domains resorted to mercantilist policies to bring wealth to their domains.; The Satsuma domain in Kyushu was particularly successful in its economic reforms and industrial promotion efforts. Exploiting its warm climate, the Satsuma state established a monopoly over sugar in the early nineteenth century. This monopoly saved the domain from bankruptcy and soon made Satsuma one of the wealthiest domains in Japan.; In the 1840s, when British, French and American warships demanded trade relations, the Satsuma Lord Shimazu Nariakira employed his samurai officials in technical research and industrial promotion. In a short time, Satsuma officials built steamships, cast cannon, and constructed a steel furnace. To pay for these experiments, Satsuma experimented with western techniques to improve sugar refining and textile production.; When the Meiji Restoration of 1868 toppled the Tokugawa shogun, several Satsuma samurai officials became leading economic policy makers in the new regime. In the 1870s, Okubo Toshimichi as Minister of Home Affairs established a bureau of industrial promotion that built model textile factories to introduce Western technology. Matsukata Masayoshi as Minister of Finance used bond policy and military spending to assist Japanese producers of a wide range of goods. Maeda Masana as an official in the Ministry of Agriculture and Commerce assembled one of the world's first comprehensive industrial development plans. All three were deeply concerned with improving Japan's balance of trade.; Japan's statist and nationalist approach to economic policy grew out of the feudal domains' competition with one another in the Tokugawa period. When Japanese leaders went to Europe and America in search of models for economic development in the 1870s, they already had their core beliefs firmly in mind. French and German statism rather than English liberalism naturally resonated with the state-centered paradigm of political economy that these Meiji leaders had formed earlier in Satsuma.
机译:当德川幕府将军制服了他的对手并在1600年建立和平时,交战的封建领地之间的军事对抗进入了经济领域。到18世纪中叶,许多领域陷入债务,使他们的主人处于适当的奢侈状态。尽管德川儒家不顾商业,但几个领域的武士官僚还是采取重商主义政策,将财富带到了他们的领域。九州的萨摩地区在经济改革和产业振兴方面尤其成功。萨摩州利用温暖的气候,在十九世纪初建立了对糖的垄断地位。这种垄断使该领域免于破产,并很快使萨摩岛成为日本最富有的领域之一。 1840年代,当英国,法国和美国军舰要求建立贸易关系时,萨摩藩主Shimazu Nariakira雇用了他的武士官员从事技术研究和工业推广。在很短的时间内,萨摩族官员就建造了轮船,铸造大炮并建造了一个钢炉。为了支付这些实验费用,萨摩利用西方技术进行了实验,以改善糖精炼和纺织品生产。当1868年的明治维新推翻了德川幕府后,萨摩族的几个武士就成为了新政权的主要经济决策者。 1870年代,大久保利通以内政大臣的身份成立了工业促进局,建立了示范纺织品工厂,以引进西方技术。日本财务大臣松方正好利用债券政策和军费开支来协助日本生产各种商品。前田正菜作为农业和商务部的官员,制定了世界上第一个综合工业发展计划之一。这三个国家都对改善日本的贸易平衡深表关切。日本的国家主义和民族主义经济政策方法源于德川时代在封建领地之间的竞争。当日本领导人前往欧洲寻找1870年代的经济发展模式时,他们已经牢牢记住了自己的核心信念。这些明治领导人早先在萨摩建立的以国家为中心的政治经济学范式自然引起了法国和德国的国家主义而非英国的自由主义的共鸣。



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