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The history of Las Vegas Springs: A disappeared resource (Nevada).


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This dissertation tells the natural and cultural history of Las Vegas Springs, a major water source in the eastern Mojave Desert for 8,000 years, which were made to disappear in the middle of the 20th century. These large artesian springs supported a creek habitat that was important for plants, animals, birds, and people. Then, as the human population of the valley grew, so did the demand for water. Scientists regarded all of the springs in the valley as leaks that must be stopped. In 1957, the state engineer proposed to change the artesian aquifer to a water table by drawing down the water level of the entire artesian basin which fed the springs. This process would redirect the groundwater into wells and squeeze out every drop for human consumption. The plan succeeded; the springs dried up in 1962.; Previous histories of Las Vegas Valley water do not explain the intentional depletion of the aquifer and the disappearance of the springs. How and why were they made to dry up in only five years? What part did Lake Mead play in this story? Nevada receives 300,000 acre feet a year of water from Lake Mead, but the politics of water require that you “use it or lose it.” Did this affect the plan? The answers address some of the factors that created the urban landscape of Las Vegas Valley, and some of the issues affecting similar arid valleys in the West. The narrative of human use of these springs illustrates their importance through time, and the consequences of applying scientific management policy to the aquifer that supplied them.; New information about the prehistory and ethnohistory of Las Vegas Valley was gleaned from archaeological reports, from unpublished notes of Isabel T. Kelly's 1932–33 ethnographic research, and from Las Vegas Ranch Daybooks for the 1870s. The modern story is based on the Union Pacific Rail Road Collection at University of Nevada, Las Vegas, on U.S. Geological Survey water-supply papers, and on records of the Nevada State Engineer's Office and of the Las Vegas Valley Water District.
机译:这篇论文讲述了拉斯维加斯温泉的自然和文化历史,该温泉是莫哈韦沙漠东部的主要水源,已有8000年的历史,并于20世纪中叶消失。这些巨大的自流泉支撑着一条小河栖息地,这对植物,动物,鸟类和人类都很重要。然后,随着山谷人口的增长,对水的需求也随之增加。科学家认为山谷中的所有泉水都是必须阻止的泄漏。 1957年,国家工程师提议通过降低整个注入水的自流盆地的水位,将自流含水层改为地下水位。这个过程会将地下水重新排入井中,并挤掉每一滴水供人类食用。计划成功了;弹簧在1962年干dried。拉斯维加斯谷水的先前历史无法解释蓄水层的故意枯竭和泉水的消失。他们为何以及为什么在短短五年内干dry?米德湖在这个故事中扮演什么角色?内华达州每年从米德湖获得300,000英亩的水,但是水的政治要求您“使用或失去它”。这对计划有影响吗?答案解决了造成拉斯维加斯山谷城市景观的一些因素,以及一些影响西部类似干旱山谷的问题。人类使用这些弹簧的叙述说明了它们在时间上的重要性,以及对提供这些弹簧的含水层实施科学管理政策的后果。从考古报告,伊莎贝尔·凯利(Isabel T. Kelly)的1932–33年人种学研究的未发表笔记以及1870年代的《拉斯维加斯牧场日报》中收集了有关拉斯维加斯谷史前史和民族史的新信息。现代故事是基于拉斯维加斯内华达大学联合太平洋铁路馆藏,美国地质调查局供水文件以及内华达州立工程师办公室和拉斯维加斯河谷水区的记录编写的。



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