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The Lone Star and the atom: Nuclear energy in Texas, 1945--1993.


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Nuclear energy, since its inception in 1945, has been one the United States' most controversial technologies. Even before the well-publicized incidences at Three Mile Island and Chernobyl, nuclear projects encountered a variety of problems and obstacles that decreased their cost-effectiveness. Nuclear power, as time progressed, transformed from a possible answer to the world's energy needs into an economic, social, and political nightmare for many people and regions.; The experience of Texas with nuclear energy was no different. This dissertation is the first in-depth study of the development of nuclear power in the Lone Star State. In Texas, utilities did not implement nuclear power until the early 1970s, much later than in many other areas of the country. Because of the state's abundant natural resources, utilities did not foresee an immediate need for alternative energy. The increases in energy requirements in the 1960s created a sudden surge in interest in nuclear power. Texas utilities rushed to develop nuclear projects, but, in doing so, failed to consider many of the unique characteristics of nuclear power.; Utilities completed two nuclear projects in Texas: the Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station, near Fort Worth and owned by Texas Utilities, Inc., and the South Texas Project, near Houston and owned by the partnership of Houston Lighting & Power, Central Power & Light, and the cities of San Antonio and Austin. Both projects encountered lengthy delays and tremendous cost overruns. Anti-nuclear activists, the Public Utility Commission of Texas, and consumer advocates opposed the projects because of safety and financial concerns. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission issued numerous citations and fines against the projects and, in both cases, came near to canceling the troubled projects.; Despite the problems, the owners of Comanche Peak and South Texas persisted in their attempts to implement nuclear power. By the time the projects reached completion, nuclear energy was, however, no longer cost effective nor considered safe by many citizens. After nearly twenty years of construction and licensing, the two nuclear facilities were two of the costliest plants in American history.
机译:自1945年成立以来,核能一直是美国最具争议的技术之一。甚至在三哩岛和切尔诺贝利事件广为人知之前,核项目就遇到了各种问题和障碍,降低了它们的成本效益。随着时间的流逝,核电已从对世界能源需求的可能答案转变为许多人和地区的经济,社会和政治噩梦。德州在核能方面的经验也是如此。本文是对孤星国家核电发展的首次深入研究。在得克萨斯州,公用事业直到1970年代初才实现核电,远远晚于该国许多其他地区。由于该州丰富的自然资源,公用事业没有预见到对替代能源的迫切需求。 1960年代能源需求的增长引起了人们对核电的兴趣激增。得克萨斯州的公用事业公司急于开发核电项目,但这样做并没有考虑到核电的许多独特特征。公用事业公司在得克萨斯州完成了两个核电项目:位于沃思堡附近的科曼奇峰蒸汽电站,由得克萨斯公用事业公司拥有;以及位于休斯顿附近的南德克萨斯项目,由休斯敦照明与电力公司,中央电力与照明公司合伙经营,以及圣安东尼奥和奥斯丁的城市。这两个项目都经历了漫长的延迟和巨大的成本超支。反核活动家,德克萨斯州公共事业委员会和消费者权益倡导者出于安全和财务方面的考虑而反对该项目。核监管委员会对该项目发出了无数次引证和罚款,在两种情况下,都几乎要取消有问题的项目。尽管存在问题,但科曼奇峰和南德克萨斯州的业主仍坚持尝试实施核电。但是,到项目完成时,核能已不再具有成本效益,也不再被许多公民认为是安全的。经过近二十年的建造和许可,这两个核设施是美国历史上最昂贵的两个工厂。



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