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Hydroclimatic factors controlling net carbon dioxide exchange in managed peatland ecosystems (Quebec, Canada).


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This thesis investigates ecosystem scale measurements of the atmospheric exchange of water and carbon dioxide (CO2) from a restored vacuum harvested peatland in eastern Québec, Canada, using the eddy correlation measurement approach.; Results indicate that the adopted restoration practices reduced the loss of water from the peat. Evapotranspiration from the restored site was 20 and 25% less than that from an adjacent abandoned comparison site in 2000 and 2001 respectively. However, CO2 emissions to the atmosphere remained large during the non-snow period (478 and 468 g C m−2 in 2000 and 2001, respectively). The bunds and blocked drainage ditches and the application of a mulch cover at the restored site kept the moisture and thermal conditions more or less constant. Consequently, the CO2 flux, which is predominantly soil respiration, was strongly controlled by peat temperature fluctuations.; Soil moisture, vegetation and peat temperature data were collected at two contrasting spatial scales (90,000 m2 and 1,200 m 2 grids, at intervals of 30 and 2 m, respectively) and at three different times in the snow free season from a cutover peat bog in Cacouna, Québec. Analysis of statistical structure, variance and spatial autocorrelation were conducted on the soil moisture data at different sampling resolutions and over different grid sizes determined increasing the scale of interest without adequate resolution in the measurement can lead to significant inconsistency in the representation of these variables.; Finally, a simple SVAT model and empirical CO2 exchange model were used to determine the ability to simulate the complex interactions in an impacted peatland as well as illustrate the long term effects of the restoration process on the peatland's role as a carbon sequestering system. Results indicate that accurate representation of the vegetation (vascular and moss) layer is essential in the realistic representation of such a system. Given the simplifications used in simulating this system in this thesis the system was predicted to become a net carbon sink within approximately six seasons of restoration.
机译:本文采用涡流相关测量方法,研究了加拿大魁北克省东部一片真空收获泥炭地的水和二氧化碳(CO 2 )的大气交换的生态系统规模测量。结果表明,采用的修复方法减少了泥炭的水分流失。修复地点的蒸散量分别比2000年和2001年的相邻废弃比较地点低20%和25%。然而,在非雪期,向大气排放的CO 2 仍然很大(2000年和2001年分别为478和468 g C m −2 )。外滩和堵塞的排水沟以及在修复地点的覆盖覆盖物保持了湿度和热力条件大致恒定。因此,主要是土壤呼吸的CO 2 通量受到泥炭温度波动的强烈控制。在两个相对的空间尺度(分别为90,000 m 2 和1,200 m 2 网格,分别以30和2 m的间隔)上采集土壤水分,植被和泥炭温度数据。在魁北克省Cacouna的割炭沼泽中,在无雪季节的三个不同时间段。对土壤水分数据在不同采样分辨率下和在不同网格尺寸上进行的统计结构,方差和空间自相关进行了分析,确定了在没有足够分辨率的情况下增加目标尺度而无法在测量中使用足够的分辨率会导致这些变量表示的显着不一致。最后,使用简单的SVAT模型和经验CO 2 交换模型来确定模拟受影响泥炭地复杂相互作用的能力,并说明恢复过程对泥炭地作用的长期影响。作为碳封存系统。结果表明,在这种系统的真实表示中,植被(血管和苔藓)层的准确表示至关重要。考虑到本文模拟该系统所用的简化方法,预计该系统将在大约六个恢复季节内变成一个净碳汇。



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