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Modeling childhood agricultural injury risk with composite measurement scales.


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Using longitudinal data recently (1999--2001) collected from 4-H youth in central Ohio, this dissertation's objective was to develop Composite Measurement Scales (CMSs) that parents can use to assess injury risk among youth who perform agricultural tasks. Variables available for modeling include several youth-based (e.g., selected physical and neuropsychological characteristics) and parent-based (e.g., parenting style) factors. For up to 13 weeks, daily data were obtained on time spent on each of 52 chores, and on multiple characteristics of injuries experienced. This dissertation focuses on injuries that occurred while youth led/groomed animals.; Multiple logistic regression was used to develop two CMSs: one with all variables and one with only variables readily knowable by a parent (e.g., youth age, gender, height, etc.). Regression coefficients from the fitted models were scaled and rounded to integers for ease of use. For each variable in the model, an integer score was obtained; a total score reflective of injury risk for leading/grooming animals was determined by summing the individual scores. The total scores were converted to probabilities. A nomogram was constructed so parents could easily determine their child's injury risk.; Age, gender, and mean time spent leading/grooming animals per week were in both models. BMI, youth's ability in sports as reported by a parent, mean reaction time, and standing steadiness were also included in the all-variable model. Parental assessment of their child's sports and learning ability, along with their perception of harm people do to themselves when using substances in excess, were the remaining variables in the knowable-variable model, which performed as well as the CMS developed using all variables. This finding has implications for future research because it may be possible to develop useful CMSs with data collected by less sophisticated techniques.; This dissertation serves as a template for future development of empirically derived risk-scoring systems. CMSs need to be developed for the many agriculture-related chores youth perform. The current CMSs need to be validated in a future study, and this must be followed by an evaluation of the effectiveness of the knowable-variable CMS for decreasing agriculture-related injury among youth who lead and groom animals.
机译:利用最近从俄亥俄州中部4小时青年收集的纵向数据(1999--2001),本论文的目的是建立综合测量量表(CMSs),父母可以用它来评估从事农业工作的青年中的伤害风险。可用于建模的变量包括几个基于青年的因素(例如,选定的身体和神经心理特征)和基于父母的因素(例如,父母的养育方式)。在长达13周的时间里,每天获得的时间数据涉及52个琐事中的每一个以及所经历的伤害的多个特征。本文的重点是在青年领导/修饰动物时发生的伤害。多元logistic回归用于建立两种CMS:一种具有所有变量,另一种仅具有父母容易理解的变量(例如,青年年龄,性别,身高等)。将拟合模型的回归系数缩放并四舍五入为整数,以方便使用。对于模型中的每个变量,都获得了整数分数。通过将各个得分相加来确定反映领先/修饰动物伤害风险的总得分。总分被转换为概率。构造了诺模图,以便父母可以轻松确定孩子受伤的风险。在这两个模型中,年龄,性别和每周花费在领导/修饰动物上的平均时间均在这两个模型中。 BMI,父母报告的青年运动能力,平均反应时间和站立平稳性也包括在全变量模型中。父母对孩子的运动和学习能力的评估,以及他们对使用过量物质对人的伤害的感知,是可知变量模型中的剩余变量,该变量的表现与使用所有变量开发的CMS一样。这一发现对未来的研究具有重要意义,因为利用不太复杂的技术收集的数据可能开发出有用的CMS。本文为经验派生的风险评分系统的未来发展提供了模板。需要为青年人从事的许多与农业有关的家务活发展CMS。当前的CMS需要在未来的研究中进行验证,并且必须在此之后对已知变量CMS在减少带头和饲养动物的青年中与农业有关的伤害方面的有效性进行评估。



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