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Ecology and evolution of geothermally adapted Agrostis (bentgrass) of North America and the Kamchatka Peninsula.


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Agrostis species have been known to rapidly evolve ecotypes in response to geographically localized variations in soil chemistry. Two Agrostis taxa occur in the geothermal habitats of Yellowstone National Park: Agrostis rossiae is endemic to Yellowstone, and Agrostis scabra occurs both in the thermal areas and in a variety of non-thermal habitats. I noticed that every thermal population of Agrostis is surrounded by a non-thermal population of A. scabra that is reproductively isolated from the thermal area by its later flowering time. This suggested that ecotype evolution had happened twice, producing thermal A. scabra and A. rossiae in separate events. I used randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers to resolve the historical relationships among the Yellowstone thermal populations, the non-thermal A. scabra populations, seven other non-thermal Agrostis species that occur in Wyoming, and thermal Agrostis populations in California and Kamchatka. Contrary to my original hypothesis, I found that none of the populations of the thermal taxa are ecotypes of non-thermal Agrostis scabra, but instead constitute a single, previously unrecognized endemic taxon that currently has four names. A UPGMA phenogram showed that while the thermal populations form geographically distinct subclusters, populations of the two morphologically distinct thermal taxa (A. rossiae and thermal A. scabra) do not cluster independently. Even though currently confused with the thermal populations, non-thermal A. scabra does not appear to be closely related. I used a series of field and laboratory experiments, as well as extensive field monitoring, to show that there are no important ecological differences between A. rossiae and thermal A. scabra. The ecological factor primarily responsible for the geographic separation of the thermal and non-thermal populations is the seasonal fluctuation of soil temperature relative to the life cycle of the plants. Lethal summer soil temperatures in the thermal areas are selecting for precocious flowering and an annual habit, which excludes the more slowly maturing non-thermal plants. The thermal plants, in contrast, do not grow in the non-thermal matrix in prevailing cool field temperatures, but do grow in these habitats under artificially elevated temperatures. The thermal taxa may have reduced competitive ability at cooler temperatures.
机译:已知 Agrostis 物种会响应于土壤化学的地理局部变化而迅速发展生态型。黄石国家公园的地热栖息地中有两种 Agrostis 类群: rosssiae 是黄石病特有的, Agrostis scabra 都在热区以及各种非热生境。我注意到,每个 Agrostis 的热种群都被 A的非热种群所包围。 scabra ,在较晚的开花时间与热区隔离。这表明生态型进化发生了两次,产生热斜体。 scabra A。 rossiae 。我使用随机扩增的多态性DNA(RAPD)标记来解析黄石热种群(非热 A)之间的历史关系。 scabra 种群,其他七个在怀俄明州发生的非热 Agrostis 物种以及在加利福尼亚和堪察加半岛的热 Agrostis 种群。与我最初的假设相反,我发现,热分类单元中没有一个是非热斜体Agrostis scabra 的生态型,而是构成一个单一的,以前无法识别的地方性分类单元,目前有四个名称。 UPGMA象形图显示,虽然热种群形成地理上不同的亚类,但两个形态上不同的热类群( rossiae 和热 A。scabra )的种群并没有独立地聚类。 。即使当前与热人口混淆,非热 A。 scabra 似乎没有密切关系。我使用了一系列的田间和实验室实验,以及广泛的田野监测,以证明 A之间没有重要的生态差异。 rossiae 和热 scabra 。造成热和非热种群地理分离的主要生态因素是土壤温度相对于植物生命周期的季节性波动。高温地区致命的夏季土壤温度正在选择早熟和一年生的习性,这不包括成熟较慢的非高温植物。相比之下,热植物在盛行的冷场温度下不会在非热基质中生长,但会在人为升高的温度下在这些栖息地中生长。在较低温度下,热分类单元可能会降低竞争能力。



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