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From the global level to the community level: Discourse and practice. The case of a World Food Programme school feeding project in Peru.


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The purpose of this thesis is to explore the developmental function of the United Nations' World Food Programme, the world's largest food aid institution. Through a case study of a WFP School Feeding Programme in Peru, entitled PER 4808, this thesis addresses the critiques surrounding WFP's development operations and its efforts to tackle problems of chronic malnutrition in the world. The case study is used to provide an example of a first-hand experience of the challenges faced by WFP in the implementation of its development projects. The case of PER 4808 explores the ways in which the agency's stated commitments can often diverge from the reality of the situation. The findings suggest that the claims that WFP frequently makes in its international level slogans and policy documents may not always be addressed rigorously enough in practice for the agency's development projects to function as intended. While obviously a single case cannot serve as a basis for general conclusions, the evidence found in this case can arguably serve to raise questions for further investigation into WFP's handling of its other School Feeding Programmes. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)
机译:本文的目的是探讨联合国世界粮食计划署(世界最大的粮食援助机构)的发展功能。通过在秘鲁的一项名为“ PER 4808”的世界粮食计划署学校供餐计划的案例研究,该论文解决了有关世界粮食计划署发展业务及其为解决世界上长期营养不良问题所做的努力的批评。该案例研究用于举例说明世界粮食计划署在执行其发展项目中面临的挑战的第一手经验。 PER 4808的案例探讨了该机构声明的承诺经常与实际情况背道而驰的方法。调查结果表明,世界粮食计划署经常在其国际口号和政策文件中经常提出的主张在实践中可能未总是得到足够严格的处理,以使该机构的发展项目能够按预期发挥作用。虽然显然只有一个案例不能作为一般结论的基础,但是在该案例中找到的证据可以说为进一步调查粮食计划署对其其他学校供餐计划的处理方式提出了疑问。 (摘要由UMI缩短。)



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