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Examining the effects of site-selection criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of traffic safety improvement countermeasures.


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The before-after study is still the most popular method used by traffic engineers and transportation safety analysts for evaluating the effects of an intervention. However, this kind of study may be plagued by important methodological limitations, which could significantly alter the study outcome. They include the regression-to-the-mean (RTM) and site-selection effects. So far, most of the research on these biases has focused on the RTM. Hence, the primary objective of this study consists of presenting a method that can reduce the site-selection bias when an entry criterion is used in before-after studies for continuous (e.g. speed, reaction times, etc.) and count data (e.g. number of crashes, number of fatalities, etc.). The proposed method documented in this research provides a way to adjust the Naive estimator by using the sample data and without relying on the data collected from the control group, since finding enough appropriate sites for the control group is much harder in traffic-safety analyses.;In this study, the proposed method, a.k.a. Adjusted method, was compared to commonly used methods in before-after studies. The study results showed that among all methods evaluated, the Naive is the most significantly affected by the selection bias. Using the CG, the ANCOVA, or the EB method based on a control group (EBCG) method can eliminate the site-selection bias, as long as the characteristics of the control group are iv exactly the same as those for the treatment group. However, control group data that have same characteristics based on a truncated distribution or sample may not be available in practice. Moreover, site-selection bias generated by using a dissimilar control group might be even higher than with using the Naive method. The Adjusted method can partially eliminate site-selection bias even when biased estimators of the mean, variance, and correlation coefficient of a truncated normal distribution are used or are not known with certainty. In addition, three actual datasets were used to evaluate the accuracy of the Adjusted method for estimating site-selection biases for various types of data that have different mean and sample-size values.
机译:前后研究仍然是交通工程师和运输安全分析人员用来评估干预效果的最流行方法。但是,此类研究可能会受到重要的方法学限制的困扰,这可能会大大改变研究结果。它们包括均值回归(RTM)和选址效果。到目前为止,有关这些偏差的大多数研究都集中在RTM上。因此,这项研究的主要目的是提出一种方法,当在前后研究中采用连续不断的(例如速度,反应时间等)和计数数据(例如数量)的进入标准时,可以减少位点选择偏差。崩溃,死亡人数等)。这项研究中记录的拟议方法提供了一种通过使用样本数据而不依赖于从对照组收集的数据来调整朴素估计量的方法,因为在交通安全分析中很难找到适合对照组的合适站点。 ;在这项研究中,将所提出的方法(也称为调整方法)与前后研究中常用的方法进行了比较。研究结果表明,在所有评估的方法中,朴素受到选择偏见的影响最大。使用CG,ANCOVA或基于对照组的EB方法(EBCG)可以消除位点选择偏差,只要对照组的特征与治疗组的特征完全相同即可。但是,实际上可能无法获得基于截短分布或样本具有相同特征的对照组数据。此外,使用不同对照组的选址偏倚可能甚至比使用朴素方法的选址偏倚还要高。即使使用截断正态分布的均值,方差和相关系数的估计量或不确定时,调整后的方法仍可以部分消除选址偏倚。此外,使用三个实际数据集来评估“调整后”方法的准确性,该“估计后”方法用于估计具有不同平均值和样本大小值的各种类型数据的选址偏倚。


  • 作者

    Kuo, Pei-Fen.;

  • 作者单位

    Texas A&M University.;

  • 授予单位 Texas A&M University.;
  • 学科 Statistics.;Engineering Civil.
  • 学位 Ph.D.
  • 年度 2012
  • 页码 125 p.
  • 总页数 125
  • 原文格式 PDF
  • 正文语种 eng
  • 中图分类
  • 关键词


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