首页> 外文学位 >Forest disturbance effects on insect and bird communities: Insectivorous birds in coast live oak woodlands and leaf litter arthropods in the Sierra Nevada.

Forest disturbance effects on insect and bird communities: Insectivorous birds in coast live oak woodlands and leaf litter arthropods in the Sierra Nevada.


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I studied the effects of different types of anthropogenic disturbance on arthropods and birds in two California forest ecosystems: oak woodlands in the San Francisco Bay Area and Sierra Nevada conifer forests. These studies highlight the many scales that are impacted by forest disturbance, and also how disturbance can impact trophic interactions.; Sudden oak death (SOD) is a disease that has resulted in stand-level dieback of oaks in California. I found that symptomatic coast live oaks harbor fewer "leaf-feeding" arthropods than asymptomatic oaks, and that oaks have more foliar arthropods than bay trees. Both chestnut-backed chickadees and oak titmice switched their foraging locations from oaks to a variety of other trees, but avoided bays, on sites heavily affected by SOD. There were few effects of SOD on nesting, but I found high dietary stability despite increased foraging effort on affected sites. As SOD spreads, the long-term prospect for these bird species is mixed. If bay trees dominate these woodlands as oaks die, many arthropods that rely on oaks may disappear. Oak titmice, which rely heavily on oaks, may be particularly affected, while chestnut-backed chickadees demonstrated greater foraging flexibility, and may be able to compensate.; In the Sierra Nevada, I examined the effects of prescribed burning and thinning practices on litter arthropods. In one of the few studies to examine arthropod diversity in the Sierras, I collected 278 beetle species, 24 ant species, and thousands of other arthropods. In a controlled, replicated experiment using burning, thinning, and combined treatments, I found few major effects on abundances of litter fauna. There were noticeable effects on beetle assemblage structure, brought about by changes in structural features of the forest.; These studies demonstrate how disturbances not only have impacts on a wide range of scales, from individual behavior to community structure, but also may have multi-tropic effects within a community, if vegetation changes impact herbivores and, ultimately, predators. Whether managers are attempting to mitigate for habitat disturbance caused by introduced pathogens, or using fire as a disturbance agent to restore habitat, their impacts on many scales and trophic levels must be considered.
机译:我研究了两种加州森林生态系统中不同类型的人为干扰对节肢动物和鸟类的影响:旧金山湾区的橡树林和内华达山脉的针叶林。这些研究强调了受森林干扰影响的许多尺度,以及干扰如何影响营养相互作用。橡树猝死(SOD)是一种导致加利福尼亚州的橡树在标准水平上枯死的疾病。我发现,有症状的沿海活橡树比无症状橡树有更少的“叶食”节肢动物,而橡树的节肢动物比月桂树更多。栗背山雀和橡树山雀都将它们的觅食地点从橡树转移到了其他树木上,但避免了在受SOD影响严重的地方种植海湾。 SOD对筑巢的影响很小,但我发现尽管在受灾地区增加了觅食工作,但饮食稳定性却很高。随着SOD的扩散,这些鸟类的长期前景喜忧参半。如果在橡树死后海湾树木在这些林地中占主导地位,那么许多依赖橡树的节肢动物可能会消失。严重依赖橡树的橡树山雀可能会受到特别的影响,而栗背山雀的觅食灵活性更高,并且可能能够弥补。在内华达山脉,我研究了规定的焚烧和稀疏做法对凋落节肢动物的影响。在检查山脉中节肢动物多样性的少数研究之一中,我收集了278种甲虫,24种蚂蚁和数千种其他节肢动物。在使用燃烧,间苗和联合处理的对照复制实验中,我发现对凋落物动物的数量很少有重大影响。森林结构特征的变化对甲虫的组合结构产生了明显的影响。这些研究表明,扰动不仅会影响从个人行为到社区结构的广泛范围,而且如果植被变化影响草食动物并最终影响掠食者,还会对社区内部产生多向性影响。管理者是试图减轻由引入的病原体引起的栖息地干扰,还是使用火作为干扰剂来恢复栖息地,都必须考虑其对许多规模和营养水平的影响。



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