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From buffalo to beeves: Cattle and the political economy of the Oglala Lakota, 1750--1920.

机译:从水牛到野牛:牛和拉格达(Oglala Lakota)的政治经济学,1750--1920年。

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An exceptional dichotomy emerged within Oglala Lakota society between 1851 and 1868. During this liminal early reservation period, as buffalo numbers dwindled and tribal mobility diminished, the Oglala Lakota developed a dynamic economic strategy founded on the creation of a tribal cattle herd. They based their decision upon intimate environmental knowledge, a clear understanding of the emerging regional cattle industry initiated by white entrepreneurs, and their unfamiliarity concerning agricultural pursuits exhorted by the American federal government. Cattle formed not only the foundation of the Oglala's reservation economy; they provided an opportunity to maintain familiar cultural practices within the milieu of the nomadic equestrian society.; Obstacles such as an unyielding demand by the federal government to implement a farming economy, extensive competition from white ranchers, limited access to regional or local markets, excessive institutional control by Indian agents, and tribal factionalism failed to prevent the tribe from pressing on toward its goal. Following the Dawes Act of 1887, and the subsequent Sioux Bill of 1889 tribal leaders on Pine Ridge Reservation struggled to thwart allotment. Ultimately unsuccessful, these leaders next strove to prevent leasing of tribal lands to off-reservation cattle operations. Unfortunately, during WWI the tribe sold most of its herd for the war effort at the strong recommendation of the federal government and its agents. With few cattle remaining on Pine Ridge leasing moved apace through the machinations of the off-reservation cattle interests eager to utilize tribal lands. By 1920 conditions of economic impotence and poverty arose. This pernicious situation remains relatively unchanged today.; Uniquely, this study fuses Lakota oral history and extensive archival research within an ethnohistorical framework. Other topics addressed include aspects of Oglala spatial relationships to boundaries, loci of power, and whites both on and off the reservation. Moreover, Oglala connections to both regional and national economic developments are examined in order to provide a richer historical context. My work fills a tremendous void within Lakota historiography and asks scholars to reexamine nascent reservation periods within larger historical contexts as well as misconceptions concerning Native Americans' "resignation" to reservation life.
机译:1851年至1868年之间,奥格拉拉·拉科塔(Oglala Lakota)社会出现了一种特殊的二分法。在这个有限的早期保留期内,随着水牛数量的减少和部落流动性的减少,奥格拉拉·拉科塔(Oglala Lakota)在建立部落牛群的基础上制定了动态的经济战略。他们的决定基于对环境的深入了解,对白人企业家发起的新兴区域养牛业的清晰理解,以及对美国联邦政府所劝告的农业发展的不熟悉。牛不仅是奥格拉拉保留经济的基础;它们为在游牧马术社会环境中保持熟悉的文化习俗提供了机会。诸如联邦政府实施农业经济的不屈要求,白人牧场主的广泛竞争,进入区域或地方市场的机会有限,印度特工的过度机构控制以及部落派系主义等障碍未能阻止部落向其推进目标。继1887年的《道威法》(Dawes Act)和随后的1889年的苏族条例草案(Sioux Bill)之后,派恩里奇保留区(Pine Ridge Reservation)的部落首领们竭力制止分配。这些领导人最终最终以失败告终,以防止将部落土地出租给禁养牛场。不幸的是,在第一次世界大战期间,在联邦政府及其代理商的强烈推荐下,该部落出售了大部分牧群用于战争。由于松树岭上剩下的牛只很少,因此租赁业迅速摆脱了保留地的阴谋,使牛群热衷于利用部落土地。到1920年,经济无力和贫穷的状况出现了。今天,这种有害的情况仍然相对没有改变。独特的是,该研究在民族历史框架内融合了拉科塔的口述历史和广泛的档案研究。涉及的其他主题包括Oglala与边界的空间关系,权力所在地和保留区内外的白人。此外,研究了奥格拉拉与地区和国家经济发展之间的联系,以提供更丰富的历史背景。我的工作填补了拉科塔历史学的巨大空白,并要求学者们在更大的历史背景下重新审视新生的保留期,以及对美洲原住民“辞职”的误解。



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