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Continuous depolymerization of poly(ethylene terephthalate) via reactive extrusion.


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A single-step, extrusion-based process to depolymerize poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET) has been investigated. The depolymerization is effected by reacting ethylene glycol (EG) with the high molecular weight polymer (glycolysis). The ethylene glycol causes chain scission by attacking the ester linkages along the polymer backbone. The objective is to recover purified low molecular weight oligomers of bis(hydroxyethyl) terephthalate (BHET) for repolymerization. A key feature of this process is that it employs the use of a twin-screw extruder as a reactor. The twin-screw extruder conveys the polymer and continuously creates a fresh surface area that facilitates penetration of the depolymerizing agent into the polymer. This research could play a role in reducing the considerable amount of bottle-grade PET resin that is manufactured from virgin materials, resulting in a significant environmental and economic impact.; Results of glycolysis experiments on a Leistritz 34 mm counter-rotating twin-screw extruder have been characterized by substantially faster depolymerization rates than typical batch glycolysis reactions, shortening reaction times from hours to minutes. Oligomers with number-average degrees of polymerization (DPn) as low as 13 (Mn = 2,500) can be produced continuously from the starting bottle-grade PET resin (DPn = 102 and M n = 20,000) in residence times of just 10 minutes. By changing operating conditions, e.g. feed rate and EG:PET ratio, the DPn of the final product can be controlled at essentially atmospheric pressure.
机译:已经研究了基于单步挤出的聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯(PET)解聚工艺。解聚是通过使乙二醇(EG)与高分子量聚合物反应(糖酵解)来进行的。乙二醇通过攻击沿聚合物主链的酯键而引起断链。目的是回收纯化的对苯二甲酸双(羟乙基)对苯二甲酸酯(BHET)的低分子量低聚物以进行再聚合。该方法的关键特征是它使用双螺杆挤出机作为反应器。双螺杆挤出机输送聚合物并连续产生新的表面积,该表面积有利于解聚剂渗透到聚合物中。这项研究可能在减少由原始材料制成的大量瓶级PET树脂方面发挥作用,从而对环境和经济产生重大影响。在Leistritz 34毫米反向旋转双螺杆挤出机上进行糖酵解实验的结果表明,其解聚速率比典型的间歇式糖酵解反应快得多,反应时间从数小时缩短至数分钟。数均聚合度(DPn)低至13(Mn = 2,500)的低聚物可以由起始瓶级PET树脂(DPn = 102和M n = 20,000)连续生产,停留时间仅为10分钟。通过更改操作条件,例如进料速率和EG:PET比,最终产品的DPn可以控制在基本大气压下。



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