首页> 中文学位 >巴基斯坦公民电子政务采纳改进UTAUT模型







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1 Introduction

1.1 Overview of Research Area

1.2 Problem Statement

1.3 Research Aims and Obiectives

1.4 Research Questions

1.5 Research Significance and Motivation

1.6 Justification of the Study

1.7 Originality of the Study

1.8 Research Design and Process

1.9 Thesis Structure Outline

2 Background:e-Government in the State of Pakistan

2.1 e-Readiness of Pakistan

2.2 Internet Subscribers in Pakistan

2.3 ICT Sector in Pakistan

2.4 Major e-Government Challenges in Pakistan

2.5 Initiatives of e-Government Projects Status in Pakistan

2.6 Characterizing Leading e-Government Benefits

3 e-Government Fundamentals:Literature Review

3.1 Taxonomy of Electronic Government Definitions

3.1.1 Fundamental Dimensions of e-Government

3.1.2 Thoughts of e-Government

3.1.3 Key Concepts of Electronic Government

3.2 Electronic Government Services

3.3 Drivers of Electronic Government Services

3.4 e-Government Functions

3.5 e-Services and Types

3.6 Electronic Government Adoption Definitions

3.6.1 e-Government Information

3.6.2 Adoption of Internet

3.6.3 Citizens’ Adoption and Definitions

3.6.4 Adopting New Technology

3.7 Citizens’ Need Electronic Government Adoption

3.7.1 Need Rebuild e-Government for the Citizens’ Relationship

3.8 e-Government Adoption:Citizens’ Perspective

3.9 Previous Models Used to Measure Adoption of New Technologies

3.9.1 Technology Adoption’s Theories and Models

3.9.2 The Theory Reasoned Action(TRA)

3.9.3 The Theory of Planned Behavior(TPB)

3.9.4 The Technology Acceptance Model(TAM)

3.9.5 The Extension of the Technology Acceptance Model(TAM-2)

3.9.6 The Diffusion of Innovation(DOI)

3.9.7 Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology(UTAUT)

4 Theoretical Framework Foundation

4.1 Study Research Model(UTAUT)

4.1.1 Literature Review of e-Government Using UTAUT model

4.1.2 Literature Review Adoption of e-Government by Citizens

4.2 Justification of the Research Model

4.3 Proposed Research Model

4.4 The Importance of Trust in the Proposed Research Model

4.4.1 Two Broader Types of Trust(study context)

4.4.2 Literature Review:Trust

4.4.3 Citizens’ Trust

4.5 The Importance of Awareness in the Proposed Research Model

4.5.1 Literature Review:Awareness

4.5.2 Citizens’ Awareness

4.6 The Proposed Conceptual Research Model

4.6.1 Existing Factors in the Citizens’ Adoption of e-Government

4.7 The Research Hypotheses Development

4.7.1 Key Construct Hypotheses

4.7.2 Moderating Hypotheses

4.7.3 Gender

4.7.4 Age

4.7.5 Internet Experience

5 Research Design and Methodology

5.1 Theory and Research

5.2 Research Philosophy

5.3 Selecting an Appropriate Research Strategy

5.3.1 Research Categories Approaches

5.3.2 Quantitative Research

5.3.3 Qualitative Research

5.3.4 Quantitative vs.Qualitative Research

5.3.5 Use of Case Study Method

5.4 Data Collection Strategies

5.5 Questionnaire Development

5.5.1 Questionnaires

5.5.2 Questionnaire Pre-testing and Modifying

5.5.3 Focus Group(Targeted)

5.6 Selection Population and Sample

5.6.1 Errors in Sampling

5.7 Data Analysis Methods

5.8 Reliability and Validity Analysis of the Instrument

5.9 Ethical Considerations

6 Data Analysis and Presentation(DAP)

6.1 Research Questionnaire:Overview

6.2 Data Screening and Management

6.2.1 Missing Data Management(MDM)

6.2.2 Investigating Univariate Normality

6.3 Descriptive Statistics Management

6.4 Demographic Analysis of Pakistani Citizens’

6.4.1 Gender and Age

6.4.2 Education Level Status

6.4.3 Computer Knowledge Status

6.4.4 Internet Experience Status of Pakistani Citizens ‘Perspective

6.5 Demographic Analysis of Pakistani IT Staffs’

6.5.1 Gender and Age

6.5.2 Education Level Status

6.5.3 Computer Knowledge Status

6.5.4 Internet Experience Status of Pakistani Public IT staffs context

7 Measurement Scale Analysis(MSA)

7.1 Reliabilitv

7.1.1 Internal Consistency Reliability

7.1.2 Item-total (Variables) Correlations

7.2 Validity

7.3 Exploratory Factor Analysis(EFA)

7.3.1 Analysis of Performance Expectancy (PE) scale

7.3.2 Analysis of Effort Expectancy (EE) scale

7.3.3 Analysis of Social Influence (SI) scale

7.3.4 Analysis of Facilitating Condition (FC) scale

7.3.5 Analysis of Trust (TR) scale

7.3.6 Analysis of Awareness (AW) scale

7.3.7 Analysis of Behavioural Intention (BI) scale

7.3.8 Analysis of Use Behaviour of e-Government Citizens’ Scale

7.4 Confirmatory Factor Analysis(CFA)

7.4.1 Assessment of the Construct Validity and Unidimensionality

7.4.2 Convergent Validity for the Constructs

7.4.3 Discriminant Validity

7.4.4 Measurement Model Results

7.4.5 Hypotheses Analysis Results

8 Qualitative Data Analysis(QDA)

8.1 Study Questionnaire

8.1.1 Citizens’ Perception towards e-Government Services Obstacles

8.1.2 Perception of IT Staffs’ towards e-Government Obstacles

8.2 Analysis Open-ended Questions

8.2.1 Interpretations of Open-ended Questions

8.3 Focus Group Analysis(FGA)

8.3.1 Analysis of Group “A’’ Responses

8.3.2 Analysis of Group “B’’ Responses

8.3.3 The Case Study Analysis Summary

9 Conclusion and Discussion

9.1 Summary Responding the Research Question(s)

9.1.1 UTAUT model Related Research Question(s)

9.2 Summary of the Study:Finding and Implications

9.2.1 Study Implications of the Current Research

9.2.2 Core Research Contribution in this study

9.2.3 Theoretical Research Contributions

9.2.4 Methodological Research Contributions

9.2.5 Practical Research Contributions

9.3 Direction for the Future Research Work Guideline

9.4 Concluding Remarks and Limitations



Published Academic Papers (During Ph.D.Studies)


About the Author



The initiatives of e-Government are at an early stage in many developing countries, facedwith various issues about execution the different technology acceptance models, frameworksand low response to citizens' adoption of e-Government in their countries.Moreover, nouniversal model could applicable for all countries to ensure success, especially in Pakistancontext.The existing relevant literature shows that e-Government research lacks acomprehensive conceptual framework for explaining the more active citizens' adoption ofe-Government in developing countries like Pakistan.Currently, only a few researchersexplored the important factors that merely impact on the e-Government organizationalperspectives.This study fills the gap by extending the Unified Theory of the Acceptance andUse of Technology (UTAUT) model as its theoretical foundation by improving trust,awareness constructs, which were missing, not present in all previous correspondingtechnology acceptance models including, UTAUT model.The proposed significant factorshave recognized and derived from the applicable published literature work, which is lessconducted by the emerging countries researchers similar to Pakistan.Further, there is stillmore demand for comprehensive empirical research on these key factors that supports fordeep considerate and valuable lessons to be scholarly learned from the developed countriesexperiences regarding the citizens' adoption through the utilization of UTAUT model.
  To achieve this different research aims, a triangulation approaches of data gathering wasemployed then tested by using mix research methods.The proposed significant factorsdetermine the formulating hypotheses governing the relationship between constructs,moderating variables and assist significant factors that need to be managed to ensure citizensadoption of e-Government in Pakistan context by investigating the effect of constructs andaligning the proposed model.In the first phase, a comprehensive quantitative set ofquestionnaire survey method was used to evaluate, refine the improved UTAUT model andseveral multivariate statistics techniques used such as Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) andConfirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) utilized to analyzes and validate the improved theresearch model.The proposed UTAUT model is examined with six independent scales Trust(TR), Performance Expectancy (PE), Effort Expectancy (EE), Social Influence (SI),Awareness (AW) and Facilitating Conditions (FC).Two dependent scales BehaviourIntention (BI) and Use Behaviour (USE) with three moderators of key relationship Age,Gender and Intemet Experiences.
  The proposed UTAUT model was tested, modified, final model results were evidenced bythe goodness of fit of the model to confirm its validity and reliability.The second phase of theresearch consisted of the focus group method to support and validate the set of questionnairefindings were conducted with two groups of five participants each.The first group consists offive Pakistani citizens from the several levels of education.The ultimate empirical outcomesof this study are unique contemporary work mentioned in this thesis as validated by theliterature review, number of interesting noticeable findings.For instance, it was found that thefive independent constructs of UTAUT model that is (TR), (PE), (EE), (AW) and (FC)significantly affects the Behaviour Intention to adopt e-Government by citizens'circumstances and also a statistically meaningful, supportive association between therecognized variables.Notably, the results indicate the importance of trust and awareness has asignificant support on the e-Government system as significant determine of the citizensadoption aspects.This contribution effort is the evidence by the goodness of acceptable thevalidated practical model (UTAUT) was developed.
  This study used a variety of sophisticated processing, analysis techniques to determinethe significant factors that affect the citizens adoption of e-Government Pakistan context andconfirm the credibility and stability.This new research is benefits for the public sector ofemerging countries to accelerate the social, economic progress, academicians, e-Governmentpolicy makers, researchers, all concerned stakeholders or readers can also enhance theircmrrent understanding knowledge from the study outcomes and proposed research framework.Furthermore, this study significantly expands to improve upon the existing knowledge ofcitizens' adoption of e-Government views and provides a set of managerial implications formore innovations.Including; the involvement of cultural, Internet security, and crucialprivacy aspects, which helps for the developing state governments like Pakistan towardssuccessful citizens' adoption of e-Government.This dissertation accomplishes with adiscussion of the contributions, limitations of this work and provides the guidelines for thefuture research direction.


  • 作者

    Zulfiqar Haider;

  • 作者单位


  • 授予单位 大连理工大学;
  • 学科 Information Management and e-Government
  • 授予学位 博士
  • 导师姓名 Chen Shuwen;
  • 年度 2016
  • 页码
  • 总页数
  • 原文格式 PDF
  • 正文语种 中文
  • 中图分类 D735.331;
  • 关键词

    Citizens; adoption; e-Government; UTAUT model; Pakistan;


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