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From Human Resources' perspective, ICTs are instrumental elements that pursue to put in contact all the internal levels of the organization, in order to improve the formal and informal interactions between two or more groups, departments, teams of projects or individuals of this organization, and search for or transmit information in any organizational levels for the improvement of effectiveness. Three focuses or ways exist of understanding the internal communication, applied to the new technologies of the information: by means of an intuitive focus, by means of the systematizing of the internal communication and by means of the sophistication: The second of them is the characteristic of the evolved organizations whose level of complexity demands the amplification and systematizing of its internal communications. To this performance form, it is known as Communication Architecture, and their contribution to the operation of the organizations is very important. Nowadays, they are many and varied the means used to send messages, to transmit warnings, to study orders and to notice of the changes. It doesnt exist limitation or technical lack of mechanical means and communication technicians practically. The true difficulties reside in the form in that the organization is been worth of them, its use on the part of the originators of the messages, the accessibility to the emission or reception of the informations and the real impact of the message in the receivers Almost all the organizations that possess a plan of internal communication but or fewer elaborated and they are served as some combination of these tools, they even add new instruments as these go being perfected and accessible for the public, or problems arise. For this purpose, it is necessary to determine they can be necessary these tools or instruments to prevent conflicts and " disinformations" in what concrete moments of the life of the organization, it is to what is devoted the first point of this investigation: the systematizing of the communication. We present in this paper an outline talkative proven classic to facilitate the classification, descending, upward and horizontal, although they try to get rich with new positions, experiences and recent studies in the field of Human Resources and ICT. A moment in the life of the organization in which is habitually necessary the internal communication is the transmission of the information. As it has already been seen in the points first and second, the information supposes the content of the internal communication, the what an of the talkative process. Inside the processes of transmission of the information two types can settle down, in function of the formalization of this process. If it is information formalized according to the norms of the organization, regulations, not written rules of communication and any type of formalization that it is established, will be been in the face of an information for via organic. Other authors denominate it information for via hierarchical. If, on the contrary, it is direct information, without preset beds, it will be been before a type of information transmitted directly. And we dont forget the informal one that is also given inevitably. We try to analyze the advantages and disadvantages of the ICT, their limitations and opportunities to improve the classic outline of the Internal Communication in the Company and the Organizations, as well as these intranets, virtual communities and portals for the employees, they can enrich the administration of the knowledge and of the talents inside the company or organization.



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