
Gwinnett County’s Stormwater Utility: 6 Years Down




Gwinnett County, located to the North East of Metro Atlanta, experienced exponentialdevelopment and growth during the 80’s and 90’s, and now has a population approaching850,000. In 2003 the County recognized the need to establish a stable funding source to supportthe management of the County’s watersheds and drainage infrastructure. The County ultimatelydecided on a stormwater utility which raises annual revenues of approximately $30M to managethe county’s 1,300 miles of storm sewer, 15 flood control dams and watershed restorationprogram.Implementation of the utility involved the development of management structures, policies, anordinance, a rate resolution and a billing system.Over the past six years the utility has matured in response to various incidents, regulatorychanges, the economic slowdown, and through a process of continuous improvement driven byvarious studies to better understand the needs of our customers, the watershed and the County’sdrainage infrastructure.
机译:位于亚特兰大都市东北部的格温奈特县在80年代和90年代经历了指数级的发展和增长,现在人口接近850,000。 2003年,该县意识到有必要建立稳定的资金来源,以支持对该县流域和排水基础设施的管理。该县最终决定建立一个雨水公用事业,年收益约为3,000万美元,用于管理该县1,300英里的雨水管道,15个防洪大坝和流域恢复计划。在过去的六年中,公用事业已经成熟,可以应对各种事件,监管变化,经济放缓以及各种研究推动的持续改进过程,以更好地了解我们的客户,分水岭和县的需求排水基础设施。



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