首页> 外文会议>Water Environment Federation 72nd annual conference amp; exposition (WEFTEC'99) >THE TIJUANA RIVER WATERSHED: AN NSDI NATIONAL COMMUNITY DEMONSTRATION SITE



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The Tijuana River Watershed (TRW) is an international basin which straddles thernCalifornia-Baja California border. In the fall 1998 the TRW was selected as one of sixrncommunities nationwide to demonstrate the effectiveness of applying geospatial data torna broad range of environmental, social, and economic problems within an emergingrngeographic information system (GIS) infrastructure known as the National SpatialrnData Infrastructure (NSDI). The NSDI, developed by the Federal Geographic DatarnCommittee (FGDC) relies on partnerships between federal, state, local, and regionalrngovernments to develop and make accessible geospatial data in a form accessible tornthe end-user. The TRW was selected as a community demonstration site in large partrnbecause of the development in 1995 of a geospatial database of the basin. Therndatabase was prepared jointly by San Diego State University and El Colegio de larnFrontera Norte, a Mexican think tank, under a memorandum of understanding (MOU)rnsigned by the presidents of the two universities. The MOU provides for collaborationrnbetween the two universities in the areas of GIS database development, scientificrnresearch, and watershed education and public outreach. Start-up funding and aerialrnphotography flown in 1994 by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administrationrninitiated the development of the GIS.rnThis paper has three specific objectives: 1) to describe the geographic features of thernTRW and the characteristics of the GIS database that has been developed to addressrntransborder environment problems; 2) to provide an overview of current projects inrnthis transborder region and relate the relevance of the TRW GIS as supportingrninfrastructure for these projects; and 3) to describe the TRW Demonstration Projectrnprocess and milestones for accomplishing its objectives. These three objectives arernconsidered in the context of the principal goal of the National CommunityrnDemonstration Program which is to pilot the application of the NSDI at the local level.rnPursuant to community input, the TRW demonstration project, scheduled for completionrnin May 2000, will undertake a flood risk analysis of the basin for various intensities ofrnflood events at three different scales and resolutions: watershed, sub-basin, andrnindividual canyon levels.
机译:蒂华纳河分水岭(TRW)是横跨加利福尼亚-下加利福尼亚州边界的国际盆地。 1998年秋天,TRW被选为全国六个社区之一,以证明在新兴的地理信息系统(GIS)基础设施中应用地理空间数据解决广泛的环境,社会和经济问题的有效性,该基础设施被称为国家空间数据基础设施(NSDI) 。由联邦地理数据委员会(FGDC)开发的NSDI依靠联邦,州,地方和地区政府之间的合作关系,以最终用户可访问的形式开发和提供可访问的地理空间数据。 TRW之所以被选为社区示范点,很大程度上是因为该流域的地理空间数据库在1995年得到发展。 Therndatabase由圣地亚哥州立大学和墨西哥智囊团El Colegio de larnFrontera Norte共同准备,并由两所大学的校长签署了一份谅解备忘录(MOU)。谅解备忘录规定了两所大学之间在GIS数据库开发,科学研究,分水岭教育和公众宣传方面的合作。美国国家海洋与大气管理局于1994年启动的启动资金和航空摄影技术开始了GIS的开发。本文有三个具体目标:1)描述TRTR的地理特征和已开发的GIS数据库的特征。解决跨境环境问题; 2)提供该跨境区域当前项目的概述,并将TRW GIS的相关性作为这些项目的基础设施的支持; 3)描述TRW示范项目的过程以及实现其目标的里程碑。这三个目标是在国家社区示范计划的主要目标范围内考虑的,该计划是在地方层面试行NSDI的应用。根据社区的意见,TRW示范项目计划于2000年5月完成,将进行一次洪水。在三个不同的尺度和分辨率下,流域发生各种强度的洪水事件的风险分析:分水岭,次盆地和单个峡谷水位。



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