首页> 外文会议>Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 2018 annual meeting >A Mobile Application for Collecting Task Time Data for Value Stream Mapping of the Final 50 Feet of Urban Goods Delivery Processes

A Mobile Application for Collecting Task Time Data for Value Stream Mapping of the Final 50 Feet of Urban Goods Delivery Processes


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Delivery options have become very diverse with online shoppers demanding faster delivery options (e.g, 2-day delivery, same daydelivery options) and more personalized services. For this reason, transportation planners, retailers, and delivery companies areseeking ways to better understand how best to deliver goods and services in urban areas while minimizing disruption to traffic,parking, and building operations. This includes understanding vertical and horizontal goods movements within urban areas. The goalof this project is to capture the delivery processes within urban buildings in order to minimize these disruptions. This is achieved usinga systems approach to understanding the flow of activities and workers as they deliver goods within urban buildings. A mobileapplication was designed to collect the start and stop times for each task within the delivery process for 31 carriers as they delivergoods within a 62-story office building. The process flow map helped identify bottlenecks and areas for improvements in the finalsegment of the delivery operations. It also highlighted consistent tasks conducted by all carriers as well as differences with givencarrier type. This information is useful to help decision-makers plan appropriately for the design of future cities that encompass avariety of delivery processes.
机译:随着在线购物者要求更快的交付选项(例如2天交付,当天\ r \ n交付选项)和更个性化的服务,交付选项已经变得非常多样化。因此,运输规划师,零售商和送货公司正在寻求方法,以更好地了解如何最好地在城市地区交付商品和服务,同时最大程度地减少对交通,停车和建筑运营的干扰。这包括了解城市区域内垂直和水平的货物移动。该项目的目标是捕获城市建筑物内的交付过程,以最大程度地减少这些干扰。这是通过使用\ r \ na系统方法来了解活动和工人在城市建筑物内运送货物时的流程来实现的。移动应用程序旨在为31名承运人在62层办公楼内交付货物时收集交付过程中每个任务的开始和停止时间。流程流程图有助于确定瓶颈和需要改进的最终交付领域。它还强调了所有运营商执行的一致任务以及与给定\ r \ n运营商类型的差异。这些信息有助于帮助决策者为包含各种交付过程的未来城市进行适当的规划。



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