首页> 外文会议>The 2nd International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering(iCBBE 2008)(第二届生物信息与生物医学工程国际会议)论文集 >Effects of Inoculation Proportions and UV-B Radiation on the Growth Competition between Two Red Tide Algae: Alexandrium tamarense and Skeletonema costatum

Effects of Inoculation Proportions and UV-B Radiation on the Growth Competition between Two Red Tide Algae: Alexandrium tamarense and Skeletonema costatum




The potential danger from the influence and injury of UV radiation on marine organisms has been increasing. In this study, for the first time we investigated the responses of the interspecies competition between two red tide algae, Alexandrium tamarense (At) and Skeletonema costatum (Sc) to different inoculation proportions and UV-B radiation enhancement by coculture method. Our results demonstrated that the different inoculation proportions of A. tamarense and S. costatum had apparent effects on interspecies competition between the two red tide algae. When the inoculation proportion of A. tamarense and S. costatum was At:Sc=1:4, S. costatum was dominant in competition. In contrast, A. tamarense was dominant when At:Sc=1:1 and At:Sc=4:1.In addition, the UV-B radiation treatment could change the nature of the competition between A. tamarense and S. costatum, and promote the competitive dominance of S. costatum. We observed that the competitive dominance of S. costatum changed more remarkably when At:Sc=1:4, and was in predominance when At:Sc=1:1 under UV-B radiation treatment.
机译:紫外线辐射对海洋生物的影响和伤害的潜在危险正在增加。在这项研究中,我们首次研究了两种赤潮藻类之间的种间竞争对共接种方法对不同接种比例和UV-B辐射增强的反应。我们的研究结果表明,不同的接种比例的番茄,沙门氏菌对两种赤潮藻之间的种间竞争具有明显的影响。当番茄,沙门氏菌的接种比例为At:Sc = 1:4时,沙门氏菌在竞争中占主导地位。相比之下,当At:Sc = 1:1和At:Sc = 4:1时,塔玛勒杆菌占主导地位。此外,UV-B辐射处理可以改变塔玛勒森与肋骨沙门氏菌之间的竞争性质,并促进肋骨链球菌的竞争优势。我们观察到,当At:Sc = 1:4时,滨海假单胞菌的竞争优势发生了显着变化,而在At-Sc = 1:1的情况下,UV-B辐射的竞争优势明显。



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