
Airborne Images in the Cryolithozone Monitoring


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Space methods for investigation of natural conditions are actively developing during the last 20 years. Large-scale airborne and satellite images give the pssibility to estimate the degree of disturbance of tundra and forest-tundra landscape when building engineering construction and establishing transport networks in cryolithozone. Analysis of subsequent images of these areas reveals origin and activation of hazardous cryogenic processes - e.g., thermokarst, thermoerosion, heaving, landslide and mud-flow, solifluction - which are caused by technogenic impacts. Geoecological monitoring permits to propose ways of prevention and attenuation of negative consequences of anthropogenic influence. The data for Tazovskiy Peninsula, Western Siberia, as an example where the intensive development of gas/oil deposits in currently proceeding, are of space method application. Aerospace and airborne images allow for preliminary estimation of the current state of a landscape and revealing the landscapes that are especially sensitive to diverse impacts. Besides this, at this stage it is possible to reveal the necessity of detailed evaluation of certain environmental components and outline their structure and program. It is also possible to recommend the optimal from ecological point of view scenario of deposit development and the complex of environmental protection activities. Study of airborne and aerospace images allows ranging the territories according to the degree of their sensitivity, thus establishing the succession of potential ways of eliminating ecological hazards.



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