
Design of environmentally-benign metal extraction systems: the use of CO_2 in metal extraction


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Recovery of metals from dilute solution, whether the matrix is olid or liquid, remains a considerable technical and financial challenge. Methods currently exist whereby metals can be extracted from either type of matrix, yet these methods consume significant quantities of reagents and can also generate multiple waste streams in the process. Technology developed in our lab allows efficient application of environmentally-benign CO_2 to a number of separation problems involving metals. For example, we have employed biphasic mixtures of CO_2 and water as a green acid leach medium. Metals have been extracted from a steelmaking process residue and then recovered as metal carbonates through depressurization. In this process, metals are extracted and recovered without the use of reagents other than CO_2 and water,a nd CO_2 is sequestered as a solid. In addition, through synthesis of CO_2-miscible phase transfer agents, we have shown that CO_2 can replace the organic solvent currently used in refining of precious metals. The sensitivity to presusre of phase behavior in a CO_2-mixture may allow significant streamlining of the process as well. Finally, CO_2-soluble chelating agents have been used to extract toxic metals from acidic effluent such as that found in plating facilties.
机译:无论是基质还是液态,从稀溶液中回收金属仍然是相当大的技术和财务挑战。当前存在可以从任一类型的基质中提取金属的方法,但是这些方法消耗大量的试剂,并且在该过程中还可能产生多种废物流。我们实验室开发的技术可以将环境友好的CO_2有效地应用于许多涉及金属的分离问题。例如,我们采用了CO_2和水的两相混合物作为绿色酸性浸出介质。金属已从炼钢过程中的残渣中提取出来,然后通过减压以金属碳酸盐的形式回收。在此过程中,无需使用除CO_2和水以外的其他试剂即可提取和回收金属,然后将CO_2固存为固体。此外,通过合成可与CO_2混溶的相转移剂,我们证明了CO_2可以替代目前用于精炼贵金属的有机溶剂。对CO 2混合物中相行为的可能存在的敏感性也可以使该过程显着简化。最后,可溶于CO 2的螯合剂已用于从酸性废水(如电镀设施中发现的)中提取有毒金属。



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