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Historic and Paleo-Submarine Landslide Deposits Imaged Beneath Port Valdez, Alaska: Implications for Tsunami Generation in a Glacial Fiord


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During the 1964 M9.2 great Alaskan earthquake, submarine-slope failures resulted in the generation of highly destructive tsunamis at Port Valdez, Alaska. A high-resolution, mini-sparker reflection profiler was used to image debris lobes, which we attribute to slope failures that occurred both during and prior to the 1964 megathrust event. In these reflection profiles, debris lobe deposits are indicated by acoustically opaque units that are separated by undisturbed parallel-layered reflectors. Near-surface debris lobes attributed to the 1964 earthquake include: (1) a debris lobe over 30 m thick that emanates from the fiord-head delta in eastern Port Valdez; and (2) debris flow lobes incorporating large, intact blocks up to 40 m high in western Port Valdez, off the Shoup Glacier moraine. In addition to the near-surface debris lobes, we imaged at least five additional debris lobe deposits buried beneath the 1964 deposit. The debris lobe directly beneath the 1964 deposit has a similar thickness and spatial distribution as the 1964 deposit. However, the older, deeper, debris lobes are thinner, less extensive, and separated by thinner sequences of parallel-layered reflectors. Glacier retreat and concomitant build-up of the fiord-head delta combined with longer time intervals between megathrust events may have resulted in more extensive delta failures and thus thicker debris lobes through time.
机译:在1964年的M9.2大阿拉斯加地震中,海底斜坡故障导致在阿拉斯加的瓦尔迪兹港产生了破坏性很强的海啸。高分辨率的微型火花反射剖面仪用于对碎片波瓣成像,我们将其归因于1964年大推力事件发生期间和之前发生的边坡破坏。在这些反射剖面中,碎片状的波状沉淀是由不透声的单位表示的,这些单位由不受干扰的平行层反射器隔开。归因于1964年地震的近地表碎片波瓣包括:(1)厚30 m以上的碎片波瓣,源于瓦尔德兹港东部的峡湾首峰三角洲; (2)瓦德兹西部港口不远处的Shoup Glacier冰off附近的泥石流波瓣,包括高达40 m高的完整完整块。除了近地面的碎片波瓣,我们还对至少五个另外的碎片波瓣沉积物进行了成像,这些沉积物埋在1964年的沉积物之下。 1964年沉积物正下方的碎片波片的厚度和空间分布与1964年沉积物相似。但是,较旧,更深的碎片波瓣更薄,范围更小,并且由较薄的平行层反射器序列隔开。冰川退缩和峡湾首峰三角洲的伴随形成,再加上特大推力事件之间较长的时间间隔,可能导致三角洲更大范围的破坏,从而导致整个时间段的碎屑裂片变厚。



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