
Knight's Tours for Cubes and Boxes


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The study of Hamiltonian tours of knights oa chessboards dates back more than a thousand years - and Euler found knight's tours as early as 1759 - and knight's tours have now been been fairly completely studied not only for rectangular boards but also for boards on other surfaces such as the cylinder, the torus, the Mobius strip, and the Klein bottle. In this paper we study knight's tours on the surface of cubes and boxes. In particular, we show that for any values of a, b, and c the box of dimension a x b x c has a knight's tour on its surface. We also introduce a 3-dimensional knight's move that is a generalization of the standard 2-dimensional knight's move and exhibit a Hamiltonian tour using this 3-dimensional knight's move that visits every cell of an 8 X 8 x 8 cube.
机译:关于汉密尔顿骑士和棋盘之旅的研究可追溯到一千多年以前-欧拉发现骑士的之旅最早可追溯到1759年-现在不仅对矩形棋盘而且对于其他表面的棋盘也已经对骑士的棋盘进行了相当完整的研究。作为圆柱体,圆环,莫比乌斯带和克莱因瓶。在本文中,我们研究了立方体和盒子表面上的骑士之旅。尤其是,我们表明,对于a,b和c的任何值,尺寸为a x b x c的盒子的表面都有骑士团。我们还介绍了3维骑士移动,它是标准2维骑士移动的概括,并使用3维骑士移动展示了汉密尔顿式游览,该汉密尔顿巡游访问了8 X 8 x 8立方体的每个像元。



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