首页> 外文会议>SOHO 15 workshop - coronal heating >CORONAL LOOP HEATING AND CATASTROPHIC COOLING



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There is plenty of clear evidence for frequent and very localizedrnheating events near the chromosphere,which mayrnbe responsible for the observable high temperatures ofrnthe coronal plasma. Here we perform 1D hydrodynamicrnsimulations of the evolution of a coronal loop undergoingrnimpulsive heating through the release of localized Gaussianrnenergy pulses near the loop's footpoints. We findrnthat when a discrete number of randomly spaced pulsesrnis released, the loop heats up and stays at coronal temperaturesrnfor the whole duration of the impulsive heatingrnstage provided that the elapsing time between successivernheat injections is less than 215 s. For elapsingrntimes longer than this critical or threshold value, coronalrntemperatures can no longer be maintained and thernloop apex cools down catastrophically well below the initialrnstate, reaching chromospheric temperatures (~104K)and leading to the typical hot-cool temperature pro-file characteristic of a cool condensation. As long as thernheating concentrates more and more at the loop's footpoints,rnthe temperature variation is seen to make a transitionrnfrom that of a uniformly heated loop to a flat, isothermalrnprofile along the loop length. Concentration of thernheating at the footpoints also results in the more frequentrnappearance of rapid and significant depressions of thernapex temperature during the loop evolution, most of themranging from and (~1.5×106 to ~104 K)lasting fromabout 3 to 10 minutes. This behaviour strongly resemblesrnthe intermittent variability of coronal loops inferred fromrnSOHO observations in active regions of the solar atmosphere.
机译:有大量清楚的证据表明,在色球层附近发生频繁且非常局部的加热事件,这可能是冠状血浆可观察到的高温的原因。在这里,我们通过循环的脚附近的局部高斯能量脉冲的释放来进行脉冲加热的日冕环的演化的一维流体动力学模拟。我们发现,当离散的随机脉冲释放时,如果连续两次热注入之间的间隔时间少于215 s,则在脉冲加热阶段的整个过程中,环路会加热并停留在冠状温度上。如果经过的时间超过此临界值或阈值,冠冕温度将无法维持,环形顶点的温度将大大低于初始状态,达到色球温度(〜104K),并导致典型的冷热温度缩合。只要加热越来越多地集中在回路的脚上,就可以看到温度变化沿回路的长度从均匀加热的回路过渡到平坦,等温的轮廓。在脚部集中加热也导致在循环演化过程中,快速而显着的地热温度下降现象更加频繁地出现,其中大部分持续时间约为(〜1.5×106至〜104 K),持续时间约3至10分钟。这种行为非常类似于从太阳大气活动区域中的SOHO观测推断出的冠状环的间歇性变化。


  • 来源
  • 会议地点 Scotland(GB)
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    Solar Physics and upper-Atmosphere Research Group, Department of Applied Mathematics,, Univ. of Sheffield, S3 7RH,rnSheffield, U.K. Email: Robertus@sheffield.ac.uk;

    (1)Solar Physics and upper-Atmosphere Research Group, Department of Applied Mathematics,, Univ. of Sheffield, S3 7RH,rnSheffield, U.K. Email:C.Mendoza@sheffield.ac.uk;

    Centro de Fisica, Instituto Venezolano de Investigaciones Cientificas, IVIC, Apartado 21827, Caracas 1020A, Venezuela lsigalot@cassini.ivic.ve;

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