
Successful Application of Foam for Lifting Liquids from Low-Pressure Gas Wells


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Gas well loadup is a very serious problem for the petroleum industry. Gas well loadup is the result of the loss of available reservoir energy due to the accumulation of liquids in the wellbore over time. In order to deal with this problem several techniques have been developed. They include plunger lift, small-ID tubing, gas lift, flow controllers, submersible pumps, sucker rods, swabbing, jetting and foaming. Among these foam lifting has been used quite successfully in the field for removing liquids from the wellbore and the annulus. However, there is a strong need for using a systematic approach in order to find out under which conditions foam lift is successful and under which conditions it is not successful. Foam lifting experimrnts are conducted in a specially designed 40'-long flow loop, in which foam is injected from the bottom of the tubing, which is filled with liquids. The efficiency of liquid removal for a wide range of gas and liquid flow rates is measured by comparing the liquid holdups at the end of each period of foam injection. The liquid removal efficiencies are also compared against cases in which no foam is injected (base-cases). Foam injection shows superior liquid removal efficiency compared to the base-cases. Special considerations are also given to cases in which a 50-psi backpressure is applied. Comparisons are also made between 1" and 2" tubing sizes. Resutls show that the type and concentration of the surfactants used to generate the foam has a strong influence on the liquid removal efficiency.
机译:气井装载对于石油工业是一个非常严重的问题。气井负荷增加是由于随着时间的推移井眼中的液体积聚导致可用储层能量损失的结果。为了解决这个问题,已经开发了几种技术。它们包括柱塞举升器,小号内径油管,气体举升器,流量控制器,潜水泵,抽油杆,擦拭,喷射和发泡。其中,泡沫提升在现场已经非常成功地用于从井眼和环空中去除液体。但是,强烈需要使用系统的方法来找出泡沫提升在哪些条件下成功以及在哪种条件下不成功的泡沫。泡沫提升实验是在经过特殊设计的40'长的流动回路中进行的,在该回路中,从管道的底部注入了充满液体的泡沫。通过比较每个泡沫注入周期结束时的液体滞留率,可以测量多种气体和液体流速下的液体去除效率。还将液体清除效率与未注入泡沫的情况(基础情况)进行了比较。与基本情况相比,泡沫注入显示出卓越的液体去除效率。还特别考虑了施加50 psi背压的情况。还对1“和2”管道尺寸进行了比较。结果表明,用于产生泡沫的表面活性剂的类型和浓度对液体去除效率有很大的影响。



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