首页> 外文会议>Seventh Biennial SGA Meeting Vol.2 Aug 24-28, 2003 Athens/Greece >The mineralogy of two Neogene ore provinces in Romania: review and additional data

The mineralogy of two Neogene ore provinces in Romania: review and additional data


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Mineralogical studies of ores from the Metaliferi Mts. and Baia Mare districts, Romania, underline both the important similarities and differences between the fields. In Baia Mare, stibnite and a broad variety of Pb-As and Pb-Sb sulphosalts are abundant at upper levels. Telluride-rich assemblages occur in the same position in Metaliferi Mts., whereas Pb-As and Pb-Sb sulphosalts appear mainly at deeper levels. Bi-sulphosalts occur in deeper positions in both districts and accompany Au enrichment. Mineralogy helps to define zonation of the individual systems and assists with regional correlation.
机译:Metaliferi山矿石的矿物学研究。罗马尼亚的Baia Mare地区和这两个领域之间的重要异同之处都突显出来。在拜亚马雷,辉石矿和大量的Pb-As和Pb-Sb硫盐含量较高。富含碲化物的组合物出现在Metaliferi山的相同位置,而Pb-As和Pb-Sb硫盐主要出现在更深的位置。双硫酸盐在两个地区的较深处均发生,并伴有金的富集。矿物学有助于定义各个系统的分区,并有助于区域关联。



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