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Degradation of the Environment under Draught Farming in the Savana Region of Togo


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Most African countries struggling for better economic development (regarding increased foodrnproduction, industrialisation, etc.) have focused their agricultural politics on mechanization such asrnanimal traction and motorization. But even if these means could help produce food in sufficientrnquantities for an ever increasing population, as a precaution, in delicate tropical zones, we have tornworry about the physical, chemical and biological harmful effects which can be brought byrnintensive agriculture. In developed countries, experts, researchers and farmers are alreadyrnimproving their farming systems for sustainable agriculture in order to face the problems of soilrnand environment degradation.rnRegarding Togo, since 1986 PNUD/FAO and the Soil Conservation and ImprovementrnInstitute ? have initiated a project (TOG/83/009 than TOG/89/001) to raise the awareness ofrnfarmers about the problem of soil erosion. Besides this, Brabant and al. Have made a plan ofrndegradation map for Togo – a countrywide inventory of human-induced land degradation. Wernhave done a survey in 54 farms in the Savana region of Togo, a semi-arid zone with an annualrnrainfall between 900 and 1100 mm and where are 87% of the country's draught animals. Thisrnstudy has brought to the fore that non mastery in the selection of farm tools and farmingrntechnology such as tillage, bush burning, trees cutting, lack of fertilizer, etc lead to erosion, ploughrnpan, low yield, deforestation. Some appropriate solutions for the serious problem of landrndegradation in the area are suggested:rnInformation extension and training farmers must be provided on soil and water conservationrntechnics or methods;rnMake water ways to reduce erosion in the farms;rnCombining agroforestery and draught farming will provide wood, biomass for soils and morernfodder for animals; this will reduce the use of crop residue;rnProduce organic fertilizer in sufficient quantity added to few quantity of mineral fertilizer inrnorder to regenerate poor soils;rnPloughing at the same depth over several successive agricultural seasons is to be avoided;rnSubsoiling should be done with a tractor at least at 25 cm to decrease the plough pan;rnIntroduction of Dolichos lablab, a plant that can be used for soil protection as well as food andrnfodder;rnUse the coulter in draught farming to facilitate infiltration of the crucial first rain in order tornplough and sow precociously; this prevents from bad effects of lateness of rain on plants.
机译:大多数为改善经济发展而奋斗的非洲国家(关于增加粮食产量,工业化等)将其农业政治重点放在机械化上,如大力牵引和机动化。但是,即使这些手段可以帮助为不断增加的人口提供足够数量的粮食,作为预防措施,作为预防措施,在脆弱的热带地区,我们也担心由集约化农业带来的物理,化学和生物有害影响。在发达国家,专家,研究人员和农民已经在改善其农业体系以实现可持续农业,以应对土壤和环境退化的问题。rn关于多哥,自1986年以来,PNUD / FAO和土壤保持与改良研究所?已经启动了一个项目(TOG / 83/009比TOG / 89/001)来提高农民对土壤侵蚀问题的认识。除此之外,布拉班特等人。为多哥制定了退化计划图-多哥全国范围的人为土地退化清单。 Wernhave对多哥的Savana地区的54个农场进行了调查,该地区是半干旱地区,年降雨量在900至1100毫米之间,占该国牲畜的87%。这项研究已使人们认识到,在选择农具和耕作技术(例如耕作,烧灌木,砍伐树木,缺乏肥料)等方面的不精通会导致侵蚀,耕作,低产,森林砍伐。针对该地区严重的土地退化问题,提出了一些适当的解决方案:rn必须提供信息扩展和农民培训有关水土保持的技术或方法; rn采取减少水土流失的方法; rn结合农林业和草木种植将提供木材,用于土壤的生物质和用于动物的饲料这将减少作物残渣的使用; rn在少量的矿物肥料中添加足够量的有机肥料,以再生贫瘠的土壤; rn避免在连续几个农业季节中以相同的深度耕作; rn应当使用拖拉机进行深耕至少要在25厘米处以减少犁;;-引入可用于土壤保护以及食物和饲料的植物Dolichos lablab;-在犁耕法中使用犁刀促进关键的第一场雨的渗透,以便耕作和播种早熟这可以防止降雨迟到对植物的不良影响。



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