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Petroleum Mining, Ecological Damage, and Civil Unrest in the Niger–Delta Area of Nigeria: Implications for Sustainable Agricultural Development


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The Niger-Delta region of Nigeria covers a geographical area of about 70,000 square kilometers,rnand has over 12 million people spread across nine of Nigeria’s thirty-six States. Endowed withrnimmense natural resources, the area produces 97 percent of the country’s crude oil from which thernnation earns 95 to 98 percent of her foreign exchange. However, because of visible neglect byrnsuccessive government administrations of the country, the area has become one of the most volatilernregions characterized by excessive violence and low agricultural output. Arson, armed conflicts,rnabduction of oil company workers, and destruction of life and property are common features in thernsocial upheavals of this region of Nigeria. These have resulted in a confluence of instabilities – social,rneconomic and political. Reasons for the unrest differ from one locale to another: some are caused byrnage-old feuds, while others are directly due to local inhabitants’ reaction to the outright neglect ofrntheir communities and destruction of their environment by activities of companies engaged in oilrnexploration in the area. The consequences have included difficulty in governing the area, poorrninfrastructures, stunted economic progress, low agricultural and piscicultural productivity, and lowrnprivate-sector investment. In fact, the total imbroglio in the Niger-Delta region of Nigeria provides arnclassic study in government inaction at a critical time.
机译:尼日利亚的尼日尔三角洲地区面积约70,000平方公里,在尼日利亚的36个州中的9个州分布着1200万人。得天独厚的自然资源使该地区生产了该国97%的原油,而桑德纳州的原油则从该国赚取了95%至98%的外汇。但是,由于该国政府继任者的疏忽,使该地区成为最动荡的地区之一,其特征是暴力过度和农业产量低下。纵火,武装冲突,绑架石油公司工人以及破坏生命和财产是尼日利亚该地区社会动荡的共同特征。这些导致了社会,经济和政治等不稳定因素的融合。发生动乱的原因因地区不同而不同:一些是由古老的争执引起的,而另一些原因则是由于当地居民对从事该地区石油开采的公司的活动的彻底忽视和对社区的彻底破坏的反应。 。其后果包括管理该地区的困难,基础设施差,经济发展停滞,农业和养鱼生产力低下以及私营部门投资低下。实际上,尼日利亚尼日尔三角洲地区的整体免疫学研究提供了关键时刻政府无所作为的经典研究。



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