
KAMU - An Example of a Process Towards Integration of Productivity and Safety


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KAMU project was part of the Finnish national Productivity-program 1944-1999. The objective of the program was to develop means and tools to help the workplaces increase productivity. KAMU project helped improve working conditions and productivity by employee empowerment. The idea in the KAMU project was to find new ways of improving cooperation among employees, and between employees and management. The model was developed through work place experiments, in which about 30 companies participated. The companies carried out a one-year long improvement process. Most of the participating companies succeeded well and some really excelled. An indication of success was that some companies continued their project over several years. In some companies, the project moved from department to department as they saw the usefulness of the results.
机译:KAMU项目是1944-1999年芬兰国家生产力计划的一部分。该计划的目标是开发有助于工作场所提高生产率的手段和工具。 KAMU项目通过员工授权来帮助改善工作条件和生产力。 KAMU项目中的想法是找到改善员工之间以及员工与管理层之间合作的新方法。该模型是通过工作场所实验开发的,约有30家公司参加。这些公司进行了为期一年的改进过程。大多数参与的公司都取得了不错的成功,其中一些公司确实表现出色。成功的迹象是一些公司将项目延续了几年。在一些公司中,由于他们看到了结果的有用性,因此项目从一个部门转移到另一个部门。



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