
Planar nearfield acoustical holography in high-speed, subsonic flow




The objective is to develop a NAH procedure that includes the effects of the high-speed,subsonic flow of a fluid medium. Recently, the speed of a transportation has significantlyincreased, e.g., to close to the speed of sound. As a result, the NAH data measured with amicrophone array attached to an aircraft or train include significant airflow effects. Here,the convective wave equation along with the convective Euler’s equation is used to derivethe proposed NAH procedure. A mapping function between static and moving fluidmedium cases is also derived from the convective wave equation. Then, a new wave numberfilter defined by mapping the static wave number filter is proposed. For the purpose ofvalidating the proposed NAH procedure, a monopole simulation at Mach = -0.6 isconducted. The reconstructed acoustic fields obtained by applying the proposed NAHprocedure to the simulation data match well with the exact fields. Through an experimentwith two loudspeakers performed in a wind tunnel at the airflow speed of Mach = -0.12, itis also shown that the proposed NAH procedure can be used to successfully reconstruct thesound fields radiated from the two loudspeakers.
机译:目的是开发一种NAH程序,该程序包括流体介质的高速,亚音速流的影响。近来,运输速度已大大提高,例如接近声速。结果,用附接到飞机或火车上的麦克风阵列测得的NAH数据包括明显的气流影响。在这里,对流波动方程和对流欧拉方程一起被用来推导提出的NAH程序。从对流波动方程还可以得出静态和动态流体介质箱之间的映射函数。然后,提出了一种通过映射静态波数滤波器定义的新波数滤波器。为了验证所提出的NAH程序,进行了Mach = -0.6的单极模拟。通过将拟议的NAH程序应用于模拟数据而获得的重建声场与精确场非常匹配。通过在风洞中以Mach = -0.12的气流速度进行测试的两个扬声器的实验,还表明,所建议的NAH程序可用于成功地重建从两个扬声器辐射的声场。



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