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New Perspectives on Gene Family Evolution: Losses in Reconciliation and a Link with Supertrees*


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Reconciliation between a set of gene trees and a species tree is the most commonly used approach to infer the duplication and loss events in the evolution of gene families, given a species tree. When a species tree is not known, a natural algorithmic problem is to infer a species tree such that the corresponding reconciliation minimizes the number of duplications and/or losses. In this paper, we clarify several theoretical questions and study various algorithmic issues related to these two problems. (1) For a given gene tree T and species tree 5, we show that there is a single history explaining T and consistent with 5 that minimizes gene losses, and that this history also minimizes the number of duplications. We describe a simple linear-time and space algorithm to compute this parsimonious history, that is not based on the Lowest Common Ancestor (LCA) mapping approach; (2) We show that the problem of computing a species tree that minimizes the number of gene duplications, given a set of gene trees, is in fact a slight variant of a supertree problem; (3) We show that deciding if a set of gene trees can be explained using only apparent duplications can be done efficiently, as well as computing a parsimonious species tree for such gene trees. We also characterize gene trees that can be explained using only apparent duplications in terms of compatible triplets of leaves.
机译:在给定物种树的情况下,在一组基因树和一个物种树之间进行协调是最常用的方法来推断基因家族进化中的重复和丢失事件。当种类树未知时,自然的算法问题是推断种类树,使得相应的对帐将重复和/或损失的数量最小化。在本文中,我们阐明了一些理论问题,并研究了与这两个问题相关的各种算法问题。 (1)对于给定的基因树T和物种树5,我们表明存在一个解释T的单一历史记录,并且与5一致,从而使基因损失最小,并且该历史记录也使重复次数最小化。我们描述了一种简单的线性时间和空间算法来计算此简约历史,该算法不基于最低公祖(LCA)映射方法。 (2)我们证明,在给定一组基因树的情况下,计算最小化基因重复次数的物种树的问题实际上是超树问题的一个小变种; (3)我们证明,可以有效地确定是否仅使用表观重复就能解释一组基因树,并且可以为此类基因树计算出一个简约的物种树。我们还表征了仅可使用表观重复来解释基因树的方法,该方法只适用于叶子的三胞胎。



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