首页> 外文会议>Remote sensing system engineering III >Predicting Top-of-Atmosphere Radiance for Arbitrary ViewingGeometries from the Visible to Thermal Infrared: Generalization toArbitrary Average Scene Temperatures

Predicting Top-of-Atmosphere Radiance for Arbitrary ViewingGeometries from the Visible to Thermal Infrared: Generalization toArbitrary Average Scene Temperatures

机译:预测从可见光到热红外的任意观测 r n几何形状的大气顶部辐射:推广到 r n任意平均场景温度

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In a companion paper presented at this conference we described how The Aerospace Corporation's Parameterized Image Chain Analysis & Simulation Software (PICASSO) may be used in conjunction with a limited number of runs of AFRL's MODTRAN4 radiative transfer code, to quickly predict the top-of-atmosphere (TOA) radiance received in the visible through midwave IR (MWIR) by an earth viewing sensor, for any arbitrary combination of solar and sensor elevation angles. The method is particularly useful for large-scale scene simulations where each pixel could have a unique value of reflectance/emissivity and temperature, making the run-time required for direct prediction via MODTRAN4 prohibitive. In order to be self-consistent, the method described requires an atmospheric model (defined, at a minimum, as a set of vertical temperature, pressure and water vapor profiles) that is consistent with the average scene temperature. MODTRAN4 provides only six model atmospheres, ranging from sub-arctic winter to tropical conditions - too few to cover with sufficient temperature resolution the full range of average scene temperatures that might be of interest. Model atmospheres consistent with intermediate temperature values can be difficult to come by, and in any event, their use would be too cumbersome for use in trade studies involving a large number of average scene temperatures. In this paper we describe and assess a method for predicting TOA radiance for any arbitrary average scene temperature, starting from only a limited number of model atmospheres.
机译:在本次会议上发表的伴随论文中,我们描述了航空航天公司的参数化图像链分析和仿真软件(PICASSO)如何与有限数量的AFRL的MODTRAN4辐射传递代码运行结合使用,以快速预测地球观测传感器通过中波红外(MWIR)在可见光中接收到的大气(TOA)辐射,适用于太阳角和传感器仰角的任意组合。该方法对于大规模场景仿真特别有用,在该场景中,每个像素可能具有唯一的反射率/发射率和温度值,从而使通过MODTRAN4直接进行预测所需的运行时间成为现实。为了自洽,所描述的方法需要与平均场景温度相一致的大气模型(至少定义为一组垂直温度,压力和水蒸气分布)。 MODTRAN4仅提供了六个样板大气,范围从亚北极冬季到热带条件-很少,无法以足够的温度分辨率覆盖可能感兴趣的整个平均场景温度范围。与中间温度值一致的模型大气可能很难获得,无论如何,它们的使用对于涉及大量平均场景温度的贸易研究而言,将太麻烦了。在本文中,我们描述和评估了一种从任意数量的模型大气开始的,用于预测任意平均场景温度的TOA辐射率的方法。



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