首页> 外文会议>Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry Society annual conference 2011 >European Volcano Observatory Space Services (EVOSS) a GMES downstream service for volcanic hazard monitoring

European Volcano Observatory Space Services (EVOSS) a GMES downstream service for volcanic hazard monitoring


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Volcanic hazards are of major national and international importance, affecting many regions of the globe and potentially having an impact on people both on the ground and in transit in the air. A GMES FP7 'Downstream' Service project called EVOSS (European Volcano Observatory Space Services) is developing a portfolio of services aimed at robust volcanic hazard monitoring. Crucially, EVOSS is being driven by the needs of the End Users rather than by a technology push for space-borne technologies. EVOSS is a three-year project that began in March 2010, and builds on previous projects such as GLOB VOLCANO and PROMOTE. The EVOSS spatial coverage corresponds with the METEOSAT full-disk, centred on Africa and covering the volcanic regions of the Caribbean to the west, and Eastern Africa and the Red Sea to the east. The aim is to provide three services: Thermal Anomalies, Volcanic Emissions (including SO_2 and ash) and Ground Deformation products. The products are derived from a wide range of sensors including SEVIRI (thermal anomalies), SCIAMACHY, OMI, GOME-2, IASI and SEVIRI (atmospheric products) along with COSMO-SkyMed for ground deformation. The first two will be provided in near-real-time while the third will be delivered following an event.
机译:火山灾害具有重要的国家和国际重要性,影响全球许多地区,并可能对地面人员和空中运输人员造成影响。一个名为EVOSS(欧洲火山天文台空间服务)的GMES FP7“下游”服务项目正在开发一系列服务,旨在进行可靠的火山危害监测。至关重要的是,EVOSS是由最终用户的需求驱动的,而不是由航天技术推动的。 EVOSS是一个为期三年的项目,始于2010年3月,以GLOB VOLCANO和PROMOTE等以前的项目为基础。 EVOSS的空间覆盖范围与METEOSAT全盘相对应,该盘以非洲为中心,覆盖了西至加勒比海,东至东非和红海的火山区。目的是提供三种服务:热异常,火山排放(包括SO_2和灰分)和地面变形产品。这些产品来自多种传感器,包括SEVIRI(热异常),SCIAMACHY,OMI,GOME-2,IASI和SEVIRI(大气产品)以及用于地面变形的COSMO-SkyMed。前两个将几乎实时提供,而第三个将在事件发生后交付。



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