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Medical physiology and drug disposition in special populations: from compound specific observations to physiology based pharmacokinetics


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The general pharmacokinetic principles of disposition and elimination of exogenous compounds apply, irrespective of population specific characteristics. However, perinatal characteristics like pregnancy or early infancy warrant a focussed approach because important alterations in physiology (either pregnancy or maturation, age-related changes) affect drug disposition in a clinical relevant way. During pregnancy, there are changes in distribution volume due to changes in body composition, in metabolic activity affecting drug metabolism and in renal elimination (GFR, tubular) capacity. In early neonatal life, maturational changes in drug disposition are most prominent Almost all phase I and phase II metabolic processes display ontogeny in an iso-enzyme specific pattern while renal elimination clearance in early life is low. The link between pregnancy related changes in medical physiology and changes in drug disposition will be illustrated based on aspects of cefazolin disposition during pregnancy while the complex interaction between maturation, genetic polymorphisms and renal elimination in early life will be illustrated based on tramadol observations in early life. We hereby aim to stress the relevance to link medical physiology with clinical pharmacology through physiology based models in order to improve predictability of clinical pharmacology in these specific populations. Beyond the anecdotal observations, patterns related to medical physiology are unveiled.
机译:处置和消除外源性化合物的一般药代动力学原理适用,而与人群的特定特征无关。但是,围产期特征(如怀孕或婴儿早期)值得重点关注,因为重要的生理变化(妊娠或成熟,与年龄相关的变化)会以临床相关的方式影响药物处置。在怀孕期间,由于身体成分的变化,影响药物代谢的代谢活性以及肾脏排泄能力(GFR,肾小管)的变化,分布容积也会发生变化。在新生儿早期,药物配置的成熟变化最为明显。几乎所有的I期和II期代谢过程均以同工酶特异性模式显示个体发育,而早期生命中的肾脏消除清除率很低。将根据怀孕期间头孢唑林的治疗情况来说明与怀孕相关的医学生理变化与药物治疗的变化之间的联系,并根据早期的曲马多观察结果说明成熟,基因多态性和早期肾脏消除之间的复杂相互作用。 。我们在此旨在强调通过基于生理的模型将医学生理学与临床药理学联系起来的相关性,以提高这些特定人群中临床药理学的可预测性。除了轶事性的观察,还揭示了与医学生理学有关的模式。



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