首页> 外文会议>Proceedings of the Sixth Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation(OSDI'04) >Improving the Reliability of Internet Paths with One-hop Source Routing

Improving the Reliability of Internet Paths with One-hop Source Routing


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Recent work has focused on increasing availability in the face of Internet path failures. To date, proposed solutions have relied on complex routing and path-monitoring schemes, trading scalability for availability among a relatively small set of hosts.rnThis paper proposes a simple, scalable approach to recover from Internet path failures. Our contributions are threefold. First, we conduct a broad measurement study of Internet path failures on a collection of 3,153 Internet destinations consisting of popular Web servers, broadband hosts, and randomly selected nodes. We monitored these destinations from 67 PlanetLab vantage points over a period of seven days, and found availabilities ranging from 99.6% for servers to 94.4% for broadband hosts. When failures do occur, many appear too close to the destination (e.g., last-hop and end-host failures) to be mitigated through alternative routing techniques of any kind. Second, we show that for the failures that can be addressed through routing, a simple, scalable technique, called one-hop source routing, can achieve close to the maximum benefit available with very low overhead. When a path failure occurs, our scheme attempts to recover from it by routing indirectly through a small set of randomly chosen intermediaries.rnThird, we implemented and deployed a prototype one-hop source routing infrastructure on PlanetLab. Over a three day period, we repeatedly fetched documents from 982 popular Internet Web servers and used one-hop source routing to attempt to route around the failures we observed. Our results show that our prototype successfully recovered from 56% of network failures. However, we also found a large number of server failures that cannot be addressed through alternative routing.rnOur research demonstrates that one-hop source routing is easy to implement, adds negligible overhead, and achieves close to the maximum benefit available to indirect routing schemes, without the need for path monitoring, history, or a-priori knowledge of any kind.
机译:最近的工作集中在面对Internet路径故障时提高可用性。迄今为止,提出的解决方案都依赖于复杂的路由和路径监视方案,在相对较小的一组主机之间交换可伸缩性以实现可用性。本文提出了一种简单,可伸缩的方法来从Internet路径故障中恢复。我们的贡献是三倍。首先,我们对3,153个Internet目的地进行了广泛的Internet路径故障测量研究,这些目的地包括流行的Web服务器,宽带主机和随机选择的节点。我们在7天内从67个PlanetLab有利位置监控了这些目的地,发现可用性范围从服务器的99.6%到宽带主机的94.4%。当确实发生故障时,许多故障看起来太靠近目的地(例如,最后一跳和最终主机故障),无法通过任何其他替代路由技术来缓解。其次,我们表明,对于可以通过路由解决的故障,一种称为单跳源路由的简单,可伸缩的技术可以以非常低的开销获得接近最大的可用收益。当发生路径故障时,我们的方案尝试通过一小组随机选择的中介间接路由从中恢复。第三,我们在PlanetLab上实现并部署了原型一跳源路由基础架构。在三天的时间里,我们反复从982台流行的Internet Web服务器上获取了文档,并使用单跳源路由来尝试绕过我们观察到的故障。我们的结果表明,我们的原型成功地从56%的网络故障中恢复了过来。但是,我们还发现了大量无法通过备用路由解决的服务器故障。rn我们的研究表明,单跳源路由易于实现,增加的开销可忽略不计,并且接近间接路由方案可利用的最大收益,无需进行路径监控,历史记录或任何先验知识。



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