首页> 外文会议>Proceedings of the Sixteenth ACM conference on Conference on information and knowledge management >Efficient on-line index maintenance for dynamic text collections by using dynamic balancing tree

Efficient on-line index maintenance for dynamic text collections by using dynamic balancing tree


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It is my great pleasure to welcome you to CIKM 2007 -- the 16th ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management. The Organizing Committee assumed the role of affirming CIKM as the premier conference at the confluence of information retrieval, databases and knowledge management. >This is the second time the conference is taking place outside the USA. Lisbon, Portugal, is hosting the 2007 event under joint organization between ACM and the University of Lisbon. This is happening at a time when Portugal is holding the presidency of the European Union and many other events are taking place around the city. Lisbon, also known as the city of the explorers, was the departing point for many of the voyages of discovery, and the first true world city, the capital of an empire spreading over all continents. This makes it an ideal place for convening scientists from around the world to exchange new ideas concerning searching, managing and exploring information. >The Program Co-chairs Alberto Laender, Deborah McGuinness and Ricardo Baeza-Yates rightfully deserve to be commended for assembling a superb Program Committee, which worked very hard to provide excellent peer feedback to the authors in a very short time. Thanks also to Bjorn Olstad and Oystein Haug Olsen, who chaired the Industrial Track. >We had a record number of submissions (above 700 abstracts!) and accepted 86 of the reviewed papers (512) for presentation as full papers (17%). Because we had so many good papers, we decided to accept 49 as short papers for joint presentation in a poster session, and extended the usual limit from two to four pages.
机译:非常荣幸地欢迎您参加 CIKM 2007 –第16届ACM信息和知识管理会议。在信息检索,数据库和知识管理的融合中,组委会承担了确认CIKM为首要会议的作用。

这是该会议第二次在美国以外举行。葡萄牙里斯本将在ACM与里斯本大学联合组织下主办2007年活动。这是在葡萄牙担任欧洲联盟轮值主席国之时,而在这座城市周围也发生了许多其他事件。里斯本,也被称为探险家之城,是许多发现之旅的出发点,也是第一个真实世界的城市,它是遍布各个大洲的帝国之都。这使它成为召集世界各地的科学家交流有关搜索,管理和探索信息的新想法的理想场所。因组建精湛的程序委员会而受到表彰,该委员会非常努力地在很短的时间内为作者提供了出色的同行反馈。还要感谢Bjorn Olstad和Oystein Haug Olsen,他是工业轨道的主席。论文(17%)。因为我们有很多好的论文,所以我们决定接受49篇短稿,以便在海报发布会上联合演示,并将通常的限制从两页扩展到四页。



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