首页> 外文会议>Proceedings of the Ninth Asian Regional Maize Workshop >On-farm Verification of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Technologies Developed for Asian Corn Borer Against the Corn Earworm, Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner) in San Jose, Occidental Mindoro, Philippines

On-farm Verification of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Technologies Developed for Asian Corn Borer Against the Corn Earworm, Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner) in San Jose, Occidental Mindoro, Philippines

机译:为亚洲玉米Bor抗玉米耳虫而开发的病虫害综合防治技术(IPM)在农场进行验证,位于菲律宾西米多洛的圣何塞的Helicoverpa armigera(Hubner)

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The effectiveness of integrated pest management (IPM) technologies developed for the Asian corn borer was modified and verified against Helicoverpa armigera in yellow corn. The experiment was conducted for two consecutive dry season plantings from December 1999 to April 2000 and December, 2000 to April 2001. The two field releases of Trichogramma chilonis Ishii in the IPM plots at the rate of 50 Trichogramma cards per hectare reduced earworm damage. The presence of natural enemies like coccinellid beetles and spiders supplemented the action of Trichogramma in reducing the damage. Single spot application of carbofuran in the IPM plots at mid-whorl stage based on temporary economic threshold level (ETL) of 40% earworm-damaged plants is not desired. In farmers' fields, insecticide applications were improperly timed. The cost of controlling corn earworm showed that the net income do not significantly differ among treatments. This suggests that corn earworm is not yet really severe enough that causes significant yield reduction.
机译:针对亚洲玉米bore开发的病虫害综合治理技术的有效性进行了修改,并针对黄玉米中的棉铃虫进行了验证。在1999年12月至2000年4月和2000年12月至2000年12月的连续两个旱季种植中进行了该实验。在IPM田地中,两个Trichogramma chilonis Ishii的田间释放以每公顷50张Trichogramma卡的比率减少了worm虫的危害。球虫,甲虫和蜘蛛等天敌的存在补充了赤眼蜂在减少伤害方面的作用。不需要根据在40%受worm虫侵害的植物的临时经济阈值水平(ETL)在中游阶段在IPM田地单点施用呋喃丹。在农民的田里,杀虫剂的施药时间不适当。控制玉米耳虫的成本表明,不同处理之间的净收入没有显着差异。这表明玉米穗虫还没有真正严重到足以导致产量大幅下降的程度。



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