首页> 外文会议>Proceedings of the Julian Szekely memorial symposium on materials processing >Simulation of transport phenomena in directionally solidified castings

Simulation of transport phenomena in directionally solidified castings


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Critical components in modern aircraft engines are manufactured by a casting process known as directional solidification (DS). In order to arrive at a set of production parameters consistent with defect-free castings,in the past casting engineers devised empirical methodologies that involved expensive trial-and-error prototype production runs.With the advent of simulation software,the empirical approach is being replaced by applying models of the transport phenomena and materials science during solidification.A mathematical model of the dendritic solidification of multicomponent alloys,that includes thermosolutal convection and macrosegregation,is presented.The model is an extension of porous media theory applied to dendritic solidification,a topic prblished by Julian Szekely as early as 1978.Numerical simulations are given for multicomponent Ni-base alloys,and the evolution of macrosegregation during solidification is studied.The results show that segregation patterns vary greatly with cooling conditions,adopting several shapes and levels of intensity.Calculations of segregation in casitings of simple shapes and in ceramic shell molds exhibit significant differences in the distribution of macrosegregation because of the nonadiabatic condition along the side walls of the mold as it is withdrawn from a radiation hot zone.
机译:现代飞机发动机中的关键组件是通过一种称为定向凝固(DS)的铸造工艺制造的。为了获得与无缺陷铸件一致的一组生产参数,过去铸造工程师设计了涉及昂贵的反复试验原型生产运行的经验方法。随着模拟软件的出现,经验方法已被取代。通过应用凝固过程中的输运现象和材料科学模型,提出了包括热固溶对流和宏观偏析在内的多组分合金树枝状凝固的数学模型。该模型是多孔介质理论在树枝状凝固中的一个扩展。由朱利安·塞克利(Julian Szekely)于1978年提出。对多组分镍基合金进行了数值模拟,研究了凝固过程中宏观偏析的演变。结果表明,偏析模式随冷却条件而变化很大,采用了几种形状和强度水平。简单形状的孔壁中的偏析计算在陶瓷壳模具中,由于从辐射热区抽出时沿模具侧壁的非绝热条件,模具的宏观偏析分布存在显着差异。



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