
Emerging Trends in Big Data Analytics-A Study


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Big data refers to exceptionally large datasets that are growing exponentially with time. The three key enablers for the growth of big data are (1) data storage, (2) computation capacity, and (3) data availability (Grobelnik M, Big-Data tutorial, 2012 [1]). This massive, heterogeneous, and unstructured digital content cannot be processed by traditional data management techniques and tools effectively, but this problem is overcome by using big data analytics. In this paper, we have discussed various big data services, languages, and data visualization tools. Big data helps organizations to increase sales and improves marketing results. It also improves customer service, reduces risk, and improves security. Both high storage and computation are important requirements for big data analytics. Information technology researchers and practitioners have faced the major challenge of designing systems for the efficient handling of data and its analysis for the decision-making process as the amount of data continues to grow. Big data is available in three forms, namely structured, unstructured, and semi-structured. The top ten big data technologies are (1) predictive analytics, (2) NoSQL databases, knowledge discovery and searching, (4) stream analytics, (5) data fabric for in memory computing, (6) distributed file stores, (7) virtualization of data, (8) integration of data, (9) preparation of data, and (10) quality of data. Amazon Elastic MapReduce, Apache Hive, Apache Pig, Apache Spark, MapReduce, Couchbase, Hadoop, and MongoDB are data integration tools used to manipulate big data accurately.
机译:大数据是指随时间呈指数增长的超大型数据集。大数据增长的三个关键因素是(1)数据存储,(2)计算能力和(3)数据可用性(Grobelnik M,大数据教程,2012 [1])。传统的数据管理技术和工具无法有效处理这种庞大的,异构的,非结构化的数字内容,但是可以通过使用大数据分析来解决此问题。在本文中,我们讨论了各种大数据服务,语言和数据可视化工具。大数据可帮助组织增加销售额并改善营销成果。它还可以改善客户服务,降低风险并提高安全性。高存储量和计算量都是大数据分析的重要要求。随着数据量的不断增长,信息技术研究人员和从业人员面临着设计有效处理数据的系统及其在决策过程中进行分析的主要挑战。大数据有三种形式可用,即结构化,非结构化和半结构化。前十大数据技术是(1)预测分析,(2)NoSQL数据库,知识发现和搜索,(4)流分析,(5)用于内存计算的数据结构,(6)分布式文件存储,(7)数据虚拟化,(8)数据集成,(9)数据准备和(10)数据质量。 Amazon Elastic MapReduce,Apache Hive,Apache Pig,Apache Spark,MapReduce,Couchbase,Hadoop和MongoDB是用于准确操纵大数据的数据集成工具。



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