
Analysis of ambient data measured in the National Parksunder high-wind conditions




The Federal Aviation Administration and National Park Service are developing air tourmanagement plans to mitigate or prevent significant adverse impacts, if any, to national parkresources. Noise impacts must be characterized relative to representative baseline ambient soundlevels. Computing the representative baseline ambient sound level is not straightforward -methods must be evaluated prior to implementation. This paper summarizes the evaluation ofcurrent treatments of data measured under high-wind conditions. Currently, data with associatedwind speeds greater than 5 m/s, which may contain measurement system contamination, areremoved from the ambient computation. Since the intent is to characterize the entire ambientsound environment, including wind-driven, natural sound sources, some contamination may betolerable. The high-wind data measured at ‘barren’ sites, where the contamination might easilybe identified, were analyzed to determine 1) the characteristics of the contamination, and 2) if aportion of this data be used without significantly affecting the computed ambient. Analysisconfirmed that contamination begins to affect measured sound levels above the 5 m/s wind-speedthreshold, and the contamination can not be definitively identified and removed from thenaturally-occurring sounds. In addition, allowing 10% high-wind data into the dataset does notsignificantly increase the computed ambient.
机译:联邦航空管理局和国家公园管理局正在开发空中旅行 减轻或防止对国家公园的重大不利影响的管理计划 资源。必须相对于代表性基线环境声音来表征噪声影响 水平。计算代表性基线环境声级并非易事- 方法必须在实施之前进行评估。本文总结了对 在大风条件下测得的数据的当前处理方式。目前,与 大于5 m / s的风速可能包含测量系统污染 从环境计算中删除。由于目的是表征整个环境 声音环境,包括风力驱动的自然声源,可能会受到一些污染 可以忍受的。在“贫瘠”地点测量的高风数据,在这些地点可能容易污染 进行鉴定,分析以确定1)污染的特征和2)是否 在不显着影响计算的环境的情况下使用此数据的一部分。分析 确认污染开始影响高于5 m / s风速的测得声级 阈值,并且无法确定性地确定污染并将其从污染源中清除。 自然产生的声音。此外,不允许将10%的高速数据输入到数据集中 大大增加了计算的环境。



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