首页> 外文会议>Proceedings of the IEEE EEE05 international workshop on Business services networks >A framework towards Web services composition modeling and execution

A framework towards Web services composition modeling and execution


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The biggest challenge of business process management is the provision of non-technical tools, based on implementation standards, which swing control of business processes away from technical departments and towards the business process owners themselves. These tools aid business users in designing high level process models using graphical notations which can then be mapped to lower level implementation models for execution. In this paper we propose a framework leading to a tool that aids business user in designing Web service based process (or in other words, Web service compositions) in BPEL4WS. Unlike graphical modeling approaches, we adopt interactive design methodology wherein the user interacts with a graphical interface at runtime to capture the choreographic details. We elaborate what information is required from the user in order to model the composition and how the syntactic details of BPEL4WS can be hidden from her. It is our conjecture that such tool will facilitate Web service composition design and development by giving an upper hand to business users --- the people who actually conceptualize the processes.



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