首页> 外文会议>Proceedings of the Fourteenth International conference on mechanization of field experiments >Application of subsoiling technology in long term no-till field of North China

Application of subsoiling technology in long term no-till field of North China


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Mechanical subsoiling technique is a major measure for conservative cultivation in dry land.Subsoiling machinery is an effective way to realize subsoiling operation.Conservation tillage coupled with subsoiling in northern China is widely believed to reduce soil compaction,which was created after many years of no-till.The conservation tillage demonstration sites operating for 10 years in northern China were used to conduct a comparative study of subsoiling technology under conservation tillage.Three modes of traditional tillage (TT),subsoiling with soil cover (SSWC) and no-till with soil cover (NTWC) were compared using ten years of soil bulk density,water content,yield and water use efficiency data.After eight years,the study shows in the maize experimental plots at Shouyang,the average soil bulk density for each tillage mode of TT,SSWC and NTWC were 1.23Mg/m3,1.28Mg/rn3,1.35Mg/m3 which was significantly high while comparing with TT whereas in wheat crops TT and NTWC showed the lowest and highest soil bulk density,respectively.SSWC and NTWC reduced soil moisture loss compared to TT during the nine years from 1992to 2000.The trend on maize and wheat yield over the 8 years indicated that SSWC and NTWC were 10 to 12% higher compared to TT.NTWC had higher water use efficiency (WUE) than TT each year by 3% to 26% whereas in comparison with TT,SSWC was 5% to 31% higher throughout the years.The findings from the long term study on subsoiling incorporating with no-tillage laid a solid foundation for subsoiling technology extension and application in China.%本文总结分析了深松整地技术在中国的试验与应用情况.深松整地对于改善土壤质量效果显著.中国适宜深松整地的耕地约为4800万公顷,主要分布在东北、西北、黄淮海地区,以及南方甘蔗地、烟地、香蕉地等旱地.目前深松机具类型多样,主要分为单一深松作业机具和复式作业机具,深松整地技术模式主要有三种类型.从成本上看,单一深松作业东北地区成本最低,南方蔗区成本最高.中国制定了相关的扶持措施,力争到2015年,适宜地区的耕地全部深松一遍,然后进入“同一地块三年深松一次”的循环,这些政策措施为中国全面推广应用深松整地技术提供了坚实的后盾.
机译:机械深耕技术是旱地保守耕作的一项主要措施。深耕机械是实现深耕作业的有效途径。在中国北方,经过多年的无耕种耕作,保护性耕作与深耕相结合可减少土壤压实。利用北方地区开展了十年耕作的保护性耕作示范点,对保护性耕作下的深层耕作技术进行了比较研究。三种传统耕作模式(TT):有土壤覆盖的深层耕作(SSWC)和没有耕作的土壤利用10年的土壤容重,含水量,产量和水分利用效率数据比较了地被物(NTWC)。8年后,该研究在寿阳的玉米试验田中显示了TT的每种耕作模式的平均土壤容重。 ,SSWC和NTWC分别为1.23Mg / m3、1.28Mg / rn3、1.35Mg / m3,与TT相比显着较高,而小麦作物中TT和NTWC最低在1992年至2000年的9年中,SSWC和NTWC的土壤水分流失量比TT降低了。八年来玉米和小麦的产量趋势表明,SSWC和NTWC比TT高10至12%。 TT.NTWC的水利用率(WUE)比TT每年高3%到26%,而与TT相比,SSWC多年来一直高5%到31%。免耕法为深耕技术在中国的推广和应用奠定了坚实的基础。%本文摘要分析了深松整地技术在中国的试验与应用情况下。深松整地针对改善土壤质量效果显着。大约4800万毫米,主要分布在东北,西北,黄淮海地区,以及南方甘蔗地,烟地,香蕉地等干旱地。目前深松机具类型多样,主要分为单个深松作业机具和复式作业机具,深松整地技术模式主要有三种类型。从成本上看,单一深松作业东北地区成本最低,南方蔗区成本最高。中国制定了相关的扶持措施,力争到2015年,适宜地区的耕地全部深松一遍,然后进入“同一地块三年深松一次”的循环,这些政策措施为中国全面推广应用深松整地技术提供安置的后盾。



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