
Critical Review of Hybrid Power Cycles Part 2:Using thermochemical upgrading


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Most power generation systems use one source of heat,say fossil fuel,nuclear,solar,or geothermal,at one temperature,and also use that heat source directly as thermal energy.In cases where the cost of the heat is related to the temperature,such as with solar collectors,or when the temperature of the heat source is limited by operational considerations,such as in nuclear reactors,or when the available temperature is well below technological limitations of the plant,such as in geothermal energy use,or when waste heat at appropriate temperatures and price is available,such as in compounded internal combustion engines,it was found that gains in efficiency and reductions of emissions and cost could be achieved by using multiple heat sources of different temperatures,as described in part 1 of this paper [1].This paper is a critical review of another type of hybridization of power systems,called thermochemical energy conversion,by using some or all of the added thermal energy to produce a fuel,which is then burned for heat,and in some cases thus raising the power plants efficiency and/or reducing emissions,especially of CO2,and very importantly,allowing energy storage and distribution in the form of hydrocarbon fuels.Thus conversion to fuel alleviates some of the significant problems associated with the intermittency of heat sources such as solar.This paper focuses on the hybrid solar thermochemical power generation systems,which are believed to be economically more competent than the solar alone based power systems.
机译:大多数发电系统在一种温度下使用一种热源,例如化石燃料,核燃料,太阳能或地热,并且还直接使用该热源作为热能。如果热成本与温度有关,例如使用太阳能集热器,或者当热源的温度受到运行方面的考虑而受到限制时(例如在核反应堆中),或者当可用温度远低于电厂的技术限制时(例如在地热能使用中)或当废物时可以在适当的温度和价格下获得热量,例如在复合式内燃机中,发现可以通过使用多个不同温度的热源来获得效率的提高以及排放和成本的减少,如本文第1部分所述。 [1]。本文是对电力系统另一种类型的混合动力(称为热化学能转换)的批判性评论,该混合动力是通过使用部分或全部添加的热能来生产燃料的,然后燃烧以加热,在某些情况下,从而提高了发电厂的效率和/或减少了排放量,尤其是减少了二氧化碳的排放,而且非常重要的是,允许以碳氢化合物燃料的形式进行能量存储和分配。与诸如太阳能之类的热源的间歇性相关的重大问题。本文重点研究混合太阳能热化学发电系统,该系统在经济上比单靠太阳能发电系统更具经济能力。



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