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Geocell wall and channel protection for U.S. army corps flood control project


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The Molly Ann's Brook Flood Protection Probject is located in Paterson, haledon, and Prospect Park. new Jersey. The brook is a tributary of the Passaic river and flows through an urban area. COmmunities along the 2.5 mile stretch of the brook have been subject to repetitive flooding due to inadequate channel capacity. The project was designed and constructed by the U.S.Army Corps of engineers, Philadelphia District. The deeper and wider channel provides complete protection from flooding up to a 50-year event. The channel varies throughout the project from a trapezoidal riprap section to a rectangular section formed by precast concrete walls.
机译:莫莉·安(Molly Ann)的布鲁克防洪项目位于布鲁克林的哈里登和帕特森,以及展望公园。新泽西州。溪流是帕萨克河的支流,流经市区。由于河道容量不足,沿小溪2.5英里延伸的社区遭受了反复的洪灾。该项目是由美国费城地区的陆军工程兵部队设计和建造的。更深入,更广泛的渠道可为长达50年的事件提供全面的防御。在整个项目中,通道从梯形的碎石部分到由预制混凝土墙形成的矩形部分变化。



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