首页> 外文会议>Proceedings of the ACM symposium on Communications architectures amp; protocols >Topology distribution cost vs. efficient routing in large networks

Topology distribution cost vs. efficient routing in large networks


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Routing a message in a network is efficient (in terms of weight of the path used to carry the message) when nodes know the full topology of the network. This may not be the case in large networks since a network may be composed of smaller autonomous pieces by design or by requirements on performance, with each piece having less than complete information about other pieces. We present a trade-off between the amount of topology information exchanged among these pieces and the efficiency of routing in the network. The large network that we study is a collection of networks connected by boundary nodes. Each boundary node knows the topology of its network and the connectivity of networks to each other. The question addressed here is how much topology information about each network should be distributed to other networks in order to achieve reasonably efficient routing.


在网络中路由消息效率 (就承载消息的路径的权重而言)。在大型网络中可能不是这种情况,因为根据设计或性能要求,网络可能由较小的自治部分组成,每个部分都具有与其他部分相比不完整的信息。我们提出了在这些部分之间交换的拓扑信息量与网络中路由效率之间的权衡。我们研究的大型网络是由边界节点连接的网络的集合。每个边界节点都知道其网络的拓扑结构以及网络之间的连通性。这里要解决的问题是,为了实现合理有效的路由,应该将有关每个网络的拓扑信息分配给其他网络的数目。



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