
A semantic editor


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We describe an interactive tool for program development and transformation, a semantic editor. The domain of the semantic editor is Backus's FP programming language. The editor facilitates manipulation of FP program schemas by the meaning-preserving transformations of FP's algebra of programs. The semantic editor aids program development, program optimization and equivalence proofs. It also serves as a tool for investigating the algebra of programs itself.


The semantic editor does not depend on the existence of normal forms for FP programs. Instead, a history of all program transformations is retained in the system in the form of a congruence relation. The user is free to step through the congruence classes to see different but equivalent versions of his programs. A program equivalence is applied to a program schema by unifying one side of the equivalence with a sub-program, then labeling it congruent to the other side if the unification is successful. A congruence closure algorithm is applied to find any new congruence relations in expressions containing these program schemas.


The program schemas are represented internally by a directed, acyclic graph (dag) with identical sub-programs occupying the same sub-graph. The semantic editor uses the Patterson and Wegman unification algorithm and the Nelson and Oppen congruence closure algorithm. Both employ the dag representation. The system is implemented in Scheme, a dialect of Lisp.


我们描述了一种用于程序开发和转换的交互式工具,即语义编辑器。语义编辑器的领域是Backus的FP编程语言。该编辑器通过FP程序代数的含义转换来促进FP程序模式的操纵。语义编辑器有助于程序开发,程序优化和等效性证明。它也可以用作调查程序代数的工具。 rn

语义编辑器不依赖于FP程序的正常形式。取而代之的是,所有程序转换的历史记录都以全等关系的形式保留在系统中。用户可以自由浏览同等类,以查看其程序的不同但等效的版本。通过将等效项的一侧与子程序统一,然后将等效项标记为与另一方一致,则将程序等效项应用于程序模式。应用全等闭合算法在包含这些程序模式的表达式中查找任何新的全等关系。 rn

程序模式在内部由有向无环图( dag )表示,占据相同子图的相同子程序。语义编辑器使用Patterson和Wegman统一算法以及Nelson和Oppen同余闭合算法。两者都使用 dag 表示形式。该系统在Lisp的方言Scheme中实现。



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