
Dual Band Filter Consisting of Microstrip Comb-line Resonators


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In this paper, we have proposed a new type of dual band filter consisting of microstrip comb-line resonators with a single common I/O microstrip. The filtering characteristics have been investigated through numerical simulations by means of the FD-TD method. It has been shown that desirable filtering characteristics which have attenuation poles below and above either of two passbands can be realized. For a practical application to wireless LAN systems, we have designed the filter that has two passbands at 2.4GHz and 5.0GHz and investigated the filtering characteristics through both numerical simulations and experiments, obtaining satisfactory results. At the next stage, we would like to design this type of filter with more compact sizes in a folded structure.
机译:在本文中,我们提出了一种新型的双频带滤波器,它由具有单个公共I / O微带的微带梳状线谐振器组成。借助于FD-TD方法,通过数值模拟研究了滤波特性。已经表明,可以实现期望的滤波特性,该滤波特性具有在两个通带中的任何一个之上和之下的衰减极点。为了在无线局域网系统中的实际应用,我们设计了在2.4GHz和5.0GHz具有两个通带的滤波器,并通过数值模拟和实验研究了滤波器的特性,获得了满意的结果。在下一个阶段,我们想设计一种折叠式结构的紧凑型过滤器。



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