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This paper consists of two parts. The first one explores the relation between paradox deparadoxication and time, which I hold to be relatively unattended yet very important tandem of concepts in Luhmann’s work. An effort is made to think through the resolution of paradox through time in the process of what Luhmann calls deparadoxication. This paradox can be expressed in the following way: cognition or knowledge of the world is impossible (because of the operational closure of the system), but absolutely necessary for structural coupling with the environment. For Luhmann, the most effective way to handle paradox is by making use of time and moving to a higher level of observation, much as Spencer-Brown does in his Laws of Form.2 rnThe idea of paradox and of its dissolution is a constant through-out most of Luhmann’s principal works. Self-reference, meaning, communication, contingency, reduction of complexity, truth, cognition, -to name just these few-, are all paradoxical concepts. Far from being an exceptional event or form of expression, paradox can be said to be constitutive of the autopoiesis of self-referential systems. Furthermore, systems have to deal with paradox not as a problem of logic or reasoning, but as a matter of the operations through which they can maintain their differentiation from their environment. This means that the dissolution of paradox is necessary for the system’s structural coupling with its environment. Structural coupling is a process which is carried out over time, and is possible insofar the system is able to deal with paradox. This is why paradox and its dissolution can only be carried out through specific operations which occur over time. It is this (paradoxical) theoretical relation between time, paradox and de-paradoxication which will be explored in detail. rn The second part will try to theoretically think through (de-paradoxicalize) a conundrum of present time: globalization and its opponents. From what can be observed of local, regional and international efforts to oppose or resist globalization, it appears that resistance to globalization can only be carried on (and is being carried on) at a global level.



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