首页> 外文会议>Proceedings of the 2nd China-Japan graduate student forum : Life, environment and energy >The Challenges of Drilling Technology in the Deep Marine Carbonate Reservoir in China

The Challenges of Drilling Technology in the Deep Marine Carbonate Reservoir in China


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It is estimated that the oil and gas reserves in the marine strata was 72% of all the oil and gas reserves in the world.In recent years,Chinese oil companies have focused on the exploration and development activities of the marine carbonate reservoir,and have achieved some important breakthroughs in Tarim,Sichuan and other regions in China.These new discoveries suggest the large potential of developing marine oil and gas resources in China,and will greatly change the situation and strategy of hydrocarbon exploration and development in China.In contrast with the terrestrial reservoir,the Chinese marine carbonate reservoir has many basic geological features such as old age,deep burial (>5000 m),the development of cracks and holes,anomalous formation temperature and pressure,and richness in hydrogen sulfide gas.These features increase the probability of problems with drilling marine carbonate reservoirs,such as sudden fatal accidents,the long cycle of drilling,the high cost,and the hazards of oil and gas wells production.In China since 2003,four accidents have occurred related to drilling marine carbonate reservoirs.This reflects that,regarding marine carbonate reservoirs,the basic theory of drilling is underdeveloped,and the preparations of drilling and completion technologies are also limited.Thus the revenue of exploration and development of marine carbonate reservoir is reduced.This paper discusses the three main challenges of drilling technology in the Chinese deep marine carbonate reservoir,in the interest of offering some references to the drilling engineering.
机译:据估计,海相地层的油气储量占世界油气总储量的72%。近年来,中国石油公司将重点放在海相碳酸盐岩油藏的勘探开发活动上。在塔里木,四川等地区取得了重要突破。这些新发现表明,中国发展海洋油气资源的巨大潜力,将大大改变中国油气勘探和开发的状况和战略。中国陆相碳酸盐岩储集层是陆相储集层,具有老龄,深埋(> 5000 m),裂缝和孔洞发育,地层温度和压力异常以及硫化氢气体丰富等许多基本地质特征。钻井碳酸盐岩储集层出现问题的可能性,例如突然的致命事故,钻井周期长,成本高以及危害自2003年以来,中国发生了4起与海相碳酸盐岩储层钻井有关的事故。这反映出,就海相碳酸盐岩储层而言,钻探的基本理论尚不完善,钻探和完井技术的准备工作也很成熟。因此,减少了海相碳酸盐岩油藏勘探开发的收入。本文讨论了中国深海海相碳酸盐岩油藏钻井技术的三个主要挑战,以期为钻井工程提供一些参考。



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