
Sliding Two-tube Model for Vowel Production


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A two-tube model (Fig. 1) is often used tornsimulate vowels because resonances of thernentire model are approximated by those ofrneach individual tube (the coupling between therntwo tubes is discussed by Stevens [1]). Figurern1 shows the cross-sectional dimensions of therntwo-tube model, where the first tube has arnsmaller area than the second tube. In this case,rnthe model approximates a low vowel, such asrn/a/. In this configuration, the narrow tube hasrnthe area of A1 and its length is L1, whereas thernwide tube has the area of A2 and its length is L2.rnIf L1+L2 is constant, we can discuss the lowerrnresonance frequencies of the two-tube modelrnas a function of the location of the boundaryrnbetween the two tubes. To demonstrate that thernacoustic outcome from the two-tube model andrnits resonances are approximated from a simplernacoustic theory of a uniform tube, werndeveloped two types of sliding two-tube (S2T)rnmodel in this study.
机译:通常使用两管模型(图1)来模拟元音,因为热模型的共振近似于各个管的共振(史蒂文斯[1]讨论了两个管之间的耦合)。图1显示了双管模型的横截面尺寸,其中第一个管的面积比第二个管小。在这种情况下,模型近似于低元音,例如rn / a /。在这种配置中,窄管的面积为A1,长度为L1,而宽管的面积为A2,长度为L2。如果L1 + L2恒定,我们可以讨论两管模型的较低共振频率两个管之间边界的位置的函数。为了证明两管模型的热声结果及其共振是从均匀管的简单声理论近似而来,在此研究中我们开发了两种类型的滑动两管(S2T)rn模型。



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